-----Writing 101 was a great experience for me this quarter. When I was in high school, I was a pretty good writer and generally did well in my English classes, so when I came into this class, I thought it would be easy. I learned more about writing in this class then all my high school English classes combined. Despite how much I have learned this quarter; there is still room for improvement in my writing. I believe that writing every day helped me develop skills to write my loyalists’ essay and my Bacon’s Rebellion essay.
-----This quarter we wrote an essay where we had states selected for us and a side, either loyalist or patriot also picked for us. Despite the fact that many people thought essay 2 was easier, I thought it was a bit more difficult, just because of the fact that most of our research work was given to us in documents and other sources for essay 1. I believe I had an excellent starting point for the essay, but I needed to work on reading over my essay and making sure it makes sense in the order that I put it in. After I got my essay back I read over it and realized that I didn’t make clarifying points in my paper to refer back to my thesis. For an example, my thesis was In South Carolina, socialism and economy were the two factors that would cause backcountry farmers like myself to side with Britain and become loyalists.” In my paper I didn’t one paragraph that was describing just economy and just social views. If was very unorganized and I saw how it could be confusing to my teachers. As a result, I changed my thesis around to, “In South Carolina, economy, political and social views of the people are the three factors that cause backcountry farmers like myself to side with Britain and become loyalists.” I then revised my paper and made sure that every paragraph was clear to each of my points in my thesis.This is one thing that Craig really stressed and I learned a lot from this essay and I will change this in the future.
-----One essay that I wrote that I felt I did a pretty good job on was my Bacon’s Rebellion essay When the assignment was first given to us, it was a little overwhelming because I knew we were writing on the event, but I thought it was more retelling the story type thing where we were supposed to be detailed dates and a deep discussion on the story. This way everyone's essay would be very similar. When Craig presented how the thesis would be set up, I began to understand more of how we were picking an aspect of the Rebellion and making up our own thesis that we would answer in our essay. I liked this essay because of all the resources we had prior to writing the essay. I would definitely say that one of my strengths is being able to analyze quotes, and the sources that we had for this essay were a great contribution. For an example, I used a packet of primary sources from Bacon’s Rebellion and I was able to use a source from the governor Berkeley at the time that said, “[T]hen in the consideration of service I had done the country, in defending them from, and destroying great numbers of Indians, with out the loss of three men in all the time that war lasted, and in [consideration] of the equal and uncorrupt Justice I had distributed to all men”. I was able to use this quote in a sufficient way because it was primary source from Governor Berkeley that helped me get a better understanding of what he thought was good for the people he governed over. I really liked the templates from the They Say, I Say book. The templates really helped me to develop my paper, and keep it organized. An example of a template in my essay from the book was when I wrote, “Although I agree that trading with Indians in some cases has proven fatal, but I cannot accept his overall conclusion that all Indians are bad”. I used this template from chapter four of the They Say, I Say book. This template shows how to agree with an argument and then at the same time disagree with a different aspect of the argument. This helps add complexity to an argument instead of just simply agreeing or disagreeing. This template helped me analyze my quote in a deeper because I was explaining both parts of my subject.
-----When the quarter began we did a lot of writing. At first the writing was not necessarily supposed to be structured. We did a lot of free writing in the beginning just to get in the habit of it everyday. This really helped because I didn’t feel any pressure at first to right a certain way, because everyone has there own style of writing. After we got used to writing everyday, we put structure on our writing by looking at worksheets how to put together a paragraph and we read templates from our They Say, I Say book which I was surprised how much it benefited and helped develop my writing. The templates were there to help build up my writing and get it out of the same old style of having the same word phrases or same transition words. It helped my writing in the way so my reader wouldn’t become easily bored. Writing 101 benefited me greatly during this quarter and I would definitely recommend this class to anyone as an excellent source in improving writing skills.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Portfolio Reflective Letter
Posted by Araina at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Essay 2 (revised)
Loyalist in South Carolina
-----It is 1775, and the peak of the American Revolution. I am a small farmer living in the backcountry of South Carolina and I am attending a rally with other fellow loyalists speak out about the revolution, and why they choose to be loyalists. The backcountry of South Carolina is the western half of South Carolina, but I will refer to it as the backcountry. The backcountry is made up of mostly loyalists, and the rest of South Carolina, which is the eastern side, is made up of majority patriots. Sometimes, the factor of where a certain individual lives will play crucial role in whether they would want to take the loyalist side or the patriots’ side. In South Carolina, economy, political and social views of the people are the three factors that cause backcountry farmers like myself to side with Britain and become loyalists.
-----I was walking back to my house the other day after a long day of work tending to my farm, when I came across my neighbor, John Williams heading back from town. Although he is a small farmer like myself, he is still very interested in politics and the war going on. He began to talk about the east side of South Carolina and places such as the “coastal region north of Santee River [and how it has been] increase[ing] in population and prosperity”( Bull 572).Economy is one of the factors that has caused loyalists to side with the British. The eastern half of South Carolina is more economically developed then the back country of South Carolina. He described how most of the eastern side of South Carolina’s economy was thriving because of the wealthy patriots and their big plantations they owned with many slaves to do their work to help them prosper. “[I]n the backcountry of the southern colonies, and beyond the Appalachian Mountains in Indian Country” (Roark 232), it was a little different because people didn’t have the big plantations. In our South Carolina, the wealthier a person becomes, the more involved they become in politics, because they have money and social status, so people respect them right off the bat.
-----This is how economy ties into the social views of the people. Because the patriots had money and social status, “back country farmers in the Carolina’s tended to be loyalists out of resentment over the political and economic power of the lowland gentry, generally patriot persuasion” (Roark 232). A lot of my fellow loyalists such as my friend, John Williams, were jealous of the political and economic power the patriots had. I think that we are jealous because we want a say in government but were not sure how we would be represented if the only way to be represented would to become rich. “It’s not fair!” he protested, as he slammed his fist against the fence almost knocking me off balance. “The wealthy plantation owners don’t do any work while we are over here working as hard as we can just to get food on the table.”
-----Social class ties into political views because since a lot of patriots had a say in the government, if the British were to lose, then the small farmers wouldn’t be as represented in government as the patriots. The problem we both agreed on was the fact that patriots wanted independence. Having two different opposing political views in the state of South Carolina and having only one of them represented is not what us as loyalists want in America.
-----As a result, the British winning is what the American colonists need right now for guidance and support, because the British way of government has worked for hundreds of years and there is no reason why we need to change now. All my family and I wish is that “our Majesty may enjoy a long and prosperous reign, and that [his] descendants may govern [his] dominions with honor to themselves and happiness to their subjects, is our sincere and fervent prayer” (The Avalon Project, The Olive Petition). Our country was founded on the British and their principles and we should not abandon them now just because the patriots want to be selfish.
-----In final analysis, the problems in socialism were overall created by the prospering economy of South Carolina at the time. If the backcountry of South Carolina were to have a larger source of economy then there wouldn’t be the existing problem of the loyalists resenting the patriots. There wouldn’t be that big distinction between loyalists and patriots in the state of South Carolina. It would probably be either loyalists as the majority or patriots as the majority in the state, instead of the state being split in half between the two groups of people.
Bull, Henry D.. "A Note on James Stuart, Loyalist Clergyman in South Carolina." The
Journal of Southern History 12(1973): 402-426.
Roark, James L.. The American Promise. 4. Boston NY: Bedford/ St Martin's, 2009.
Continental Congress, "The Olive Petition." Avalon Project 2(1905): 158-172.
Posted by Araina at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Bacon's Rebellion Essay 1
-----As the November election is approaching, more and more people have been looking at qualities they want in a leader. When I define a leader, I see someone who is confident, and is always interested the good the people. In 1676, Bacon’s Rebellion took place in Virginia. One of the main causes for the uprising was Indians raiding and stealing from frontier farmers. A man named Nathaniel Bacon,” a member of the Virginia Governor’s Council, out of sympathy with policies of Governor William Berkeley,”1 thought the government wasn’t doing enough to protect the colonists against the Indians. When it came to leading a group of people, William Berkeley was more politically just than Nathaniel Bacon.
-----When Nathaniel Bacon began the rebellion he was willing put getting revenge against the Indians before the safety of the other colonists and other innocent people. He thought all Indians were enemies and that they did not deserve to coexist with the other colonist. He felt the government wasn't doing enough to protect the frontier farmers against the Indians and "went often times to the Governor, humbly beseeching a commission to go against those Indians at their own [expense]"(15). Despite the fact Governor Berkeley denied Bacon every time, Bacon still found a way around this set back by threatening the life's of other burgesses, putting Berkeley under pressure, and granting Bacon's commission to go against the Indians.
-----Nevertheless, Bacon does later get in trouble for his actions. Soon after he manipulated Berkeley and got out of his punishment. Bacon’s plan was to "march out upon the Enemy with which volunteers [he] could then get, but by so doing found that [he] not only lost the Governor's favor, but exposed [his] very life and fortune at home as well as abroad...but considering the necessity, [he] still proceeded, and returned with a greater victory from sharper conflict then ever yet has been known these parts of the world"(11). In this quote, connotative words such as enemy, exposed, sharper, and conflict give this section of writing a serious tone, which helps display Bacon’s mood and shows he was serious about going against the Indians. In the document Bacon demonstrates his hatred toward the Indians and why he doesn't want to trade with them. In the quote he states "trading with the Indians has proven fatal to these parts of the world, yet I fear we shall be all lost for this commerce having acquainted the Indians...with our manner of living and discipline of war, has also brought with such dexterity, that ourselves often hire them to kill Deer..."(11). Basically Bacons is saying that trading with the Indians hasn't been working and he doesn't want the colonists to rely on Indians for trade. Although I agree that trading with Indians in some cases has proven fatal, but I cannot accept his overall conclusion that all Indians are bad. This is comparable to taking a few criminals from the English society and then making the overall conclusion that their whole race bad and corrupt. I believe Bacon used bad judgment with the Indian race. I believe he should have taken a step back to assess both sides of the conflict, instead of just deeming all of the Indians bad and not caring whether he starts a civil war and killing innocent people in the process; just to get a point across.
-----As a result of start of his rebellion, Bacon had supporters of his viewpoint and the rebellion that came of it. Robert Beverly, a historian writes how he thought Bacon was “qualified” in a sense to lead the rebellion when he wrote, “[Nathaniel Bacon had received a good education in England] and had a moderate Fortune,. He as young, bold, active, of inviting Aspect, and powerful Elocution”(11). Beverly uses connotative words such as young, bold and active to reflect Bacon’s positive character. These words help bring across a happy tone which would give the reader a better understanding of Berkeley’s view that Bacon is ligament to take upon a position to lead a group of people into a rebellion.
-----On the contrary, Governor William Berkley had a different perspective on what he thought was the right thing to do when leading his group of people. Unlike Bacon, he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart and what he thought would be best for the colonist safety. A document written buy Berkeley himself called “Declaration and Remonstrance”, he demonstrates what he has done for the country when he says, “[T]hen in the consideration of service I had done the country, in defending them from, and destroying great numbers of Indians, with out the loss of three men in all the time that war lasted, and in [consideration] of the equal and uncorrupt Justice I had distributed to all men” (16) [.] In this quote, Although Berkeley does not directly say it, but it is implied that his point is that he does care about the safety of the colony. When I first thought of this quote, I automatically agreed with him, especially when he was talking about wanting “uncorrupt justice”. I believe he was referring to Bacon, because Bacon wanted justice for what some of the Indians did to the frontier farmers.[I believe] he went about the situation the wrong way because he didn’t really care who may have gotten hurt in the process, which makes his system corrupt. Berkeley’s plan to deal with the Indians in my opinion was more thought out and processed than Bacon’s plan. In his document, Berkeley says, “Lastly...I would have preserved those Indians that I knew were hourly at our mercy, to have our spies and intelligence to find out our bloody enemies, but as soon as I had the least [bit of information] that they were also treacherous enemies, I gave out commissions to destroy them all…”(17). In this quote, I agree with Berkeley’s logic to go out and get rid of the Indians who may be a threat to the other colonists. Bacon’s plan was to just go and kill all the Indians, because he saw them all as enemies. I think Berkeley is being smart by wanting to keep somewhat of a relationship with the Indians, because both sides benefit from trade.
-----In addition, Berkeley also had supporters against Bacon; despite of the people that turned against him during the rebellion, he still had some loyalists. One of his loyalists was William Sherwood, a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. Sherwood was describing an event with the Indians and also giving Berkeley credit for the way he reacted toward the situation, when he says, “…a nation of Indians called [Susquehanna’s] having killed some of the inhabitants of this Country [in the fall of 1675] were pursued and several destroyed by the English and Sir Wm. Berkeley our honorable Governor (who hath had long experience of war with the Indians) that he might provide for the safety of this country caused our assembly..”(12). In this quote, Sherwood is giving Berkeley credit for being a good Governor by giving an example of how he dealt with the Indians who threatened the safety of his people. He also mentioned his years of experience; somewhat implying that Bacon didn’t have enough. I agree with this quote that supports Berkeley because it is another example of how he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart. Although he wanted to keep peace and trade with the Indians, he still knew how to protect his people.
In the final analysis, Bacon and Berkeley were had their own perspective on how they thought was the just way to lead a group of people. Overall Berkeley’s leading skills were more legitimate and affective. When all aspects of the event were looked at carefully, some may make the assumption that Bacon did the right thing for stepping out against the government for not meeting the needs of the people, while others may say that his actions didn’t justify his cause. When I judge a leader, I don’t look at what may seem like the right thing to do at that moment, but I look at how they look at the overall picture and what will most benefit the greater good of the people, and that is why Berkeley earned that title.
1. • Dwight L. Smith
• Reviewed work(s): The Governor and the Rebel: A History of Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia by Wilcomb E. Washburn
• Ethnohistory, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Spring, 1958), pp. 176-180 (review consists of 5 pages)
• Published by: Duke University Press
Posted by Araina at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Portfolio : Final Exam [Frame 2]
Frame two
----Writing is a skill that can come easy to some people or it may be something that other people need to work at to get better.In the short passage written by an author, it describes the writing experience in a classroom with peers around to influence you verses just writing by yourself and how writing by yourself can be much more difficult. From my personal experience, I would have to agree with the author because getting feed back from people of all different backgrounds of writing would help me improve more as a writer then just sitting home doing it by myself. When writing, being involved with a group peers and how the writing is being taught greatly effects how well of a writer a person becomes.
----In the past, I've had many different writing environments to work in. Some were more beneficial then others but from all my experiences I have gathered that receiving more feedback from my teacher or peers helped me more then just writing an essay at home and then turning it in without anyone else looking at it first. In the passage, it starts off by saying, "[T]he writing process can be greatly improved if students have a group of peers with whom they can share their writing." I agree with the author because in writing 101, we post all of our writing on a blog for anyone to look at and give feedback on. For an example, I posted a draft of Essay 2 and one of my classmates wrote a comment of positive criticism. Positive criticism is good because the person isn't saying your paper is bad, they are picking out the things I need to improve on and what it good in the paper so I can keep it. Having peers in my environment is so much more helpful because sometimes I can't catch the mistakes that I make right away when writing a paper but other people can right away.
-----Another factor that affects my way of writing is how the writing is being taught. In all my years of high school, the way this writing class has been taught has been the most beneficial. In the passage, the author demonstrates that finding someone to talk to about your writing is an excellent way to improve your writing, when they use a quote from Elbow that says, "If you are stuck writing or tying to figure something out, there is nothing better than finding one person, or more, to talk to"(49). I completely agree with this quote because I look to Craig as someone who is more then qualified to help me with my writing. When the quarter first began, we were writing the first day and the next day and the day after that. He got us into the habit of always writing. It applies to the concept of practice makes perfect. The more you practice at something, the better you get at it. So when we wrote everyday, my writing improved everyday.
----In the end, "Group work not only privileges student-centered, democratic practices, but it highlights the interactive nature of creativity. Which means working together in groups for writing is just the beginning of democratic practices. Having supportive peers and being taught the right skills are just building blocks to succeed in greater things in the future that can benefit everyone.
Posted by Araina at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Essay 2 revised
Araina Rowe
Essay 2
-----It is 1775, and the peak of the American Revolution. I am a small farmer living in the backcountry of South Carolina and I am attending a rally with other fellow loyalists speak out about the revolution, and why they choose to be loyalists. The backcountry of South Carolina is the western half of South Carolina, but I will refer to it as the backcountry. The backcountry is made up of mostly loyalists, and the rest of South Carolina, which is the eastern side, is made up of majority patriots. Sometimes, the factor of where a certain individual lives will play crucial role in whether they would want to take the loyalist side or the patriots’ side. In South Carolina, economy, political and social views of the people are the three factors that cause backcountry farmers like myself to side with Britain and become loyalists.
-----I was walking back to my house the other day after a long day of work tending to my farm, when I came across my neighbor, John Williams heading back from town. Although he is a small farmer like myself, he is still very interested in politics and the war going on. He began to talk about the east side of South Carolina and places such as the “coastal region north of Santee River [and how it has been] increase[ing] in population and prosperity”( Bull 572).Economy is one of the factors that has caused loyalists to side with the British. The eastern half of South Carolina is more economically developed then the back country of South Carolina. He described how most of the eastern side of South Carolina’s economy was thriving because of the wealthy patriots and their big plantations they owned with many slaves to do their work to help them prosper. “[I]n the backcountry of the southern colonies, and beyond the Appalachian Mountains in Indian Country” (Roark 232), it was a little different because people didn’t have the big plantations. In our South Carolina, the wealthier a person becomes, the more involved they become in politics, because they have money and social status, so people respect them right off the bat.
-----This is how economy ties into the social views of the people. Because the patriots had money and social status, “back country farmers in the Carolina’s tended to be loyalists out of resentment over the political and economic power of the lowland gentry, generally patriot persuasion” (Roark 232). A lot of my fellow loyalists such as my friend, John Williams, were jealous of the political and economic power the patriots had. I think that we are jealous because we want a say in government but were not sure how we would be represented if the only way to be represented would to become rich. “It’s not fair!” he protested, as he slammed his fist against the fence almost knocking me off balance. “The wealthy plantation owners don’t do any work while we are over here working as hard as we can just to get food on the table.”
-----Social class ties into political views because since a lot of patriots had a say in the government, if the British were to lose, then the small farmers wouldn’t be as represented in government as the patriots. The problem we both agreed on was the fact that patriots wanted independence. Having two different opposing political views in the state of South Carolina and having only one of them represented is not what us as loyalists want in America.
-----As a result, the British winning is what the American colonists need right now for guidance and support, because the British way of government has worked for hundreds of years and there is no reason why we need to change now. All my family and I wish is that “our Majesty may enjoy a long and prosperous reign, and that [his] descendants may govern [his] dominions with honor to themselves and happiness to their subjects, is our sincere and fervent prayer” (The Avalon Project, The Olive Petition). Our country was founded on the British and their principles and we should not abandon them now just because the patriots want to be selfish.
-----In final analysis, the problems in socialism were overall created by the prospering economy of South Carolina at the time. If the backcountry of South Carolina were to have a larger source of economy then there wouldn’t be the existing problem of the loyalists resenting the patriots. There wouldn’t be that big distinction between loyalists and patriots in the state of South Carolina. It would probably be either loyalists as the majority or patriots as the majority in the state, instead of the state being split in half between the two groups of people.
Bull, Henry D.. "A Note on James Stuart, Loyalist Clergyman in South Carolina." The
Journal of Southern History 12(1973): 402-426.
Roark, James L.. The American Promise. 4. Boston NY: Bedford/ St Martin's, 2009.
Continental Congress, "The Olive Petition." Avalon Project 2(1905): 158-172.
Posted by Araina at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Reflective Letter Draft 2
-----Writing 101 was a great experience for me this quarter. When I was in high school, I was a pretty good writer and generally did well in my English classes, so when I came into this class, I thought it would be easy. I learned more about writing in this class then all my high school English classes combined. Despite how much I have learned this quarter; there is still room for improvement in my writing. I believe that writing every day helped me develop skills to write my loyalists’ essay and my Bacon’s Rebellion essay.
-----This quarter we wrote an essay where we had states selected for us and a side, either loyalist or patriot also picked for us. Despite the fact that many people thought essay 2 was easier, I thought it was a bit more difficult, just because of the fact that most of our research work was given to us in documents and other sources for essay 1. I believe I had an excellent starting point for the essay, but I needed to work on reading over my essay and making sure it makes sense in the order that I put it in. After I got my essay back I read over it and realized that I didn’t make clarifying points in my paper to refer back to my thesis. For an example, my thesis was In South Carolina, socialism and economy were the two factors that would cause backcountry farmers like myself to side with Britain and become loyalists.” In my paper I didn’t one paragraph that was describing just economy and just social views. If was very unorganized and I saw how it could be confusing to my teachers. As a result, I changed my thesis around to, “In South Carolina, economy, political and social views of the people are the three factors that cause backcountry farmers like myself to side with Britain and become loyalists.” I then revised my paper and made sure that every paragraph was clear to each of my points in my thesis.This is one thing that Craig really stressed and I learned a lot from this essay and I will change this in the future.
-----One essay that I wrote that I felt I did a pretty good job on was my Bacon’s Rebellion essay When the assignment was first given to us, it was a little overwhelming because I knew we were writing on the event, but I thought it was more retelling the story type thing where we were supposed to be detailed dates and a deep discussion on the story. This way everyone's essay would be very similar. When Craig presented how the thesis would be set up, I began to understand more of how we were picking an aspect of the Rebellion and making up our own thesis that we would answer in our essay. I liked this essay because of all the resources we had prior to writing the essay. I would definitely say that one of my strengths is being able to analyze quotes, and the sources that we had for this essay were a great contribution. For an example, I used a packet of primary sources from Bacon’s Rebellion and I was able to use a source from the governor Berkeley at the time that said, “[T]hen in the consideration of service I had done the country, in defending them from, and destroying great numbers of Indians, with out the loss of three men in all the time that war lasted, and in [consideration] of the equal and uncorrupt Justice I had distributed to all men”. I was able to use this quote in a sufficient way because it was primary source from Governor Berkeley that helped me get a better understanding of what he thought was good for the people he governed over. I really liked the templates from the They Say, I Say book. The templates really helped me to develop my paper, and keep it organized. An example of a template in my essay from the book was when I wrote, “Although I agree that trading with Indians in some cases has proven fatal, but I cannot accept his overall conclusion that all Indians are bad”. I used this template from chapter four of the They Say, I Say book. This template shows how to agree with an argument and then at the same time disagree with a different aspect of the argument. This helps add complexity to an argument instead of just simply agreeing or disagreeing. This template helped me analyze my quote in a deeper because I was explaining both parts of my subject.
-----When the quarter we did a lot of writing. At first the writing was not necessarily supposed to be structured. We did a lot of free writing in the beginning just to get in the habit of it everyday. This really helped because I didn’t feel any pressure at first to right a certain way, because everyone has there own style of writing. After we got used to writing everyday, we put structure on our writing by looking at worksheets how to put together a paragraph and we read templates from our They Say, I Say book which I was surprised how much it benefited and helped develop my writing. The templates were there to help build up my writing and get it out of the same old style of having the same word phrases or same transition words. It helped my writing in the way so my reader wouldn’t become easily bored. Writing 101 benefited me greatly during this quarter and I would definitely recommend this class to anyone as an excellent source in improving writing skills.
Posted by Araina at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Relflective Letter Draft 1 (what i have so far)
Writing 101 was a great experience for me this quarter. When I was in high school, I was a pretty good writer and generally did well in my English classes, so when I came into this class, I thought it would be easy. I learned more about writing in this class then all my high school English classes combined. Despite how much I have learned this quarter; there is still room for improvement in my writing. I believe that writing every day helped me develop skills to write my loyalists’ essay and my Bacon’s Rebellion essay.
When the quarter first began we did a lot of writing. At first the writing was not necessarily supposed to be structured. We did a lot of free writing in the beginning just to get in the habit of it everyday. This really helped because I didn’t feel any pressure at first to right a certain way, because everyone has there own style of writing. After we got used to writing everyday, we put structure on our writing by looking at worksheets how to put together a paragraph and we read templates from our They Say, I Say book which I was surprised how much it benefited and helped develop my writing. The templates were there to help build up my writing and get it out of the same old style of having the same word phrases or same transition words. It helped my writing in the way so my reader wouldn’t become easily bored.
This quarter we wrote an essay where we had states selected for us and a side, either loyalist or patriot also picked for us. Despite the fact that many people thought essay 2 was easier, I thought it was a bit more difficult, just because of the fact that most of our research work was given to us in documents and other sources for essay 1. We also had more time to put our work together for essay 1. I thought that finding research through j stor for my specific state proved pretty difficult, and I think I could have had more to write about if I had better sources. Right now what I really struggled on in this easy was organization. I believe I had an excellent starting point for the essay, but I need to work on reading over my essay and making sure it makes sense in the order that I put it in. This is one thing that Craig really stressed and I learned a lot from this essay and I will change this in the future.
One essay that I wrote that I felt I did a pretty good job on was my Bacon’s Rebellion essay. I liked this essay because of all the resources we had prior to writing the essay. I felt that because of all the resources, I could really gather an opinion of what I wanted to write about.
Posted by Araina at 9:23 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Text Analysis: Kentucky Resolution
Araina Rowe
Text Analysis
Kentucky Resolution
1. The writer of this document is the general assembly.
2. The audience could be the people of the states in the United States, and it could also be he original writers of the alien and sedition acts.
3. The writers represent “fellow citizens throughout the Union,” who discussed the issue.
4. This document takes about this group of people who don’t like the alien and sedition acts, because they are “unconstitutional laws of Congress”, to them, so they want to change them. They believe, “that the several states who formed that instrument, being sovereign and independent, have the unquestionable right to judge of its infraction” This means that they don’t want all the power to go to the central government, they want to individual states to have power.
5. This document has a serious tone, because of the topic it is addressing. It is obviously informing the reader and maybe trying to persuade because of the disagreement in the alien and sedition acts it expresses.
6. This document is a primary document because the General Assembly of Kentucky wrote, which justifies why it is legitimate.
Posted by Araina at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Text Analysis Alien and Sedition Acts
Araina Rowe
Text Analysis
Alien and Sedition Acts
1) The writers of this document are the House of Representatives of the United States of America and the Congress assembled.
2) The audience could be anyone, including citizens of the United States so that they can be informed, or people who are not citizens of the United States to warn them.
3) The writers represent the will of the people because they are the House of Representatives. They also represent the view of the ones in government, such as members of the congress.
4) The first document, the alien, talks about aliens, or people in the United States who are citizens. They tell what is going to happen to them and how they are pretty much going to be imprisoned and shipped off. The second document is talking about the consequences of anyone conspiring against the government of the United States.
5) This document has a very serious tone, because they are talking about serious offenses toward the government and another serious topic of aliens in the United States. The word enacted is used a lot throughout the document, which means to make a law, and if the House of Representatives and Congress are making laws of then it obviously for a good reason.
6) This document is a primary document because the House of Representatives and the congress are writing it, which justifies why it is legitimate.
Posted by Araina at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Essay 2 Reflection
Despite the fact that many people thought essay 2 was easier, I thought it was a bit more difficult, just because of the fact that most of our research work was given to us in documents and other sources for essay 1. We also had more time to put our work together for essay 1. I though that finding research through j stor for my specific state proved pretty difficult, and I think I could have had more to write about if I had better sources. Essay 2 was easier in the way that we've already done an essay, so we as students know a little more what the instructors expect of us.
Posted by Araina at 10:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
Whiskey Rebellion Text Analysis
Araina Rowe
Text Analysis
Whisky Rebellion
1. The writer of the document is the president of the United States, George Washington.
2. The audience is the people of the United States of America.
3. George Washington represents himself of the executive branch and also the legislative branch and the judicial branch.
4. The President is pretty much calling out all the people who have been disrespectful to the people in office and have been, “actually injuring and destroying the property of persons who were understood to have so complied; by inflicting cruel and humiliating punishment s upon private citizens”. He is telling people that it is the persons in office’s job to enforce laws and they shouldn’t change any of the laws just to accommodate others peoples will or preferences.
5. This document is being said in a very serious tone. I can automatically infer this, because of the topic that is being discussed. It is very obvious to the reader that the president means what he says in this document, especially when he says, “I. George Washington, President of the United States, do hereby command all persons, being insurgents, as aforesaid..”. In this section of the sentence, “command” is a connotative word because it would make someone feel solemn or serious to a certain extent because of the word choice he used.
6. This document is legitimate, because it is coming from a primary source, the President of the United States.
Posted by Araina at 11:25 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Final Draft Essay 2
Araina Rowe
Essay 2
------It is 1775, and the peak of the American Revolution. I am a small farmer living in the backcountry of South Carolina and I am attending a rally with other fellow loyalists speak out about the revolution, and why they choose to be loyalists. The backcountry of South Carolina is the western half of South Carolina, but I will refer to it as the backcountry. The backcountry is made up of mostly loyalists, and the rest of South Carolina, which is the eastern side, is made up of majority patriots. Sometimes, the factor of where a certain individual lives will play crucial role in whether they would want to take the loyalist side or the patriots’ side. In South Carolina, socialism and economy were the two factors that would cause backcountry farmers like myself to side with Britain and become loyalists.
------ I was walking back to my house the other day after a long day of work tending to my farm, when I came across my neighbor, John Williams heading back from town. Although he is a small farmer like myself, he is still very interested in politics and the war going on. He began to talk about the east side of South Carolina and places such as the “coastal region north of Santee River [and how it has been] increase[ing] in population and prosperity”( Bull 572). From past experiences when John began to talk about politics there was no stopping him. He is so passionate about this topic, he could go on forever talking about it. His wife is very patient, but sometimes she gets fed up with his long discussions of politics.
------ Knowing this, I decided to be a good friend and listen. So I set down my shovel and sat up against the fence as he continued. He described how the Santee River wasn’t the only region of prosperity, but most of the eastern side of South Carolina’s economy was thriving because of the wealthy patriots and their big plantations they owned with many slaves to do their work to help them prosper. “[I]n the backcountry of the southern colonies, and beyond the Appalachian Mountains in Indian Country” (Roark 232), it was a little different because people didn’t have the big plantations. “It’s not fair!” he protested, as he slammed his fist against the fence almost knocking me off balance. “The wealthy plantation owners don’t do any work while we are over here working as hard as we can just to get food on the table.” I completely agreed with him as I started to explain how social class would tie into political status. In our colony, the wealthier a person becomes, the more involved they become in politics, because they have money and social status, so people respect them right off the bat. The problem we both agreed on was the fact that patriots wanted independence. Since a lot of them had a say in the government, if the British were to lose, then the small farmers wouldn’t be as represented in government as the patriots.
------As a result, the British winning is what the American colonists need right now for guidance and support, because the British way of government has worked for hundreds of years and there is no reason why we need to change now. All my family and I wish is that “our Majesty may enjoy a long and prosperous reign, and that [his] descendants may govern [his] dominions with honor to themselves and happiness to their subjects, is our sincere and fervent prayer” (The Avalon Project, The Olive Petition). Our country was founded on the British and their principles and we should not abandon them now just because the patriots want to be selfish.
In final analysis, the problems in socialism were overall created by the prospering economy of South Carolina at the time. If the backcountry of South Carolina were to have a larger source of economy then there wouldn’t be the existing problem of the loyalists resenting the patriots. There wouldn’t be that big distinction between loyalists and patriots in the state of South Carolina. It would probably be either loyalists as the majority or patriots as the majority in the state, instead of the state being split in half between the two groups of people.
Bull, Henry D.. "A Note on James Stuart, Loyalist Clergyman in South Carolina." The
Journal of Southern History 12(1973): 402-426.
Roark, James L.. The American Promise. 4. Boston NY: Bedford/ St Martin's, 2009.
Continental Congress, "The Olive Petition." Avalon Project 2(1905): 158-172.
Posted by Araina at 1:16 PM 0 comments
Rough Draft 6
Araina Rowe
Essay 2
------It is 1775, and the peak of the American Revolution. I am a small farmer living in the backcountry of South Carolina and I am attending a rally with other fellow loyalists speak out about the revolution, and why they choose to be loyalists. The backcountry of South Carolina is the western half of South Carolina, but I will refer to it as the backcountry. The backcountry is made up of mostly loyalists, and the rest of South Carolina, which is the eastern side, is made up of majority patriots. Sometimes, the factor of where a certain individual lives will play crucial role in whether they would want to take the loyalist side or the patriots’ side. In South Carolina, socialism and economy were the two factors that would cause backcountry farmers like myself to side with Britain and become loyalists.
------ I was walking back to my house the other day after a long day of work tending to my farm, when I came across my neighbor, John Williams heading back from town. Although he is a small farmer like myself, he is still very interested in politics and the war going on. He began to talk about the east side of South Carolina and places such as the “coastal region north of Santee River [and how it has been] increase[ing] in population and prosperity”( Bull 572). From past experiences when John began to talk about politics there was no stopping him. He is so passionate about this topic, he could go on forever talking about it. His wife is very patient, but sometimes she gets fed up with his long discussions of politics.
------ Knowing this, I decided to be a good friend and listen. So I set down my shovel and sat up against the fence as he continued. He described how the Santee River wasn’t the only region of prosperity, but most of the eastern side of South Carolina’s economy was thriving because of the wealthy patriots and their big plantations they owned with many slaves to do their work to help them prosper. “[I]n the backcountry of the southern colonies, and beyond the Appalachian Mountains in Indian Country” (Roark 232), it was a little different because people didn’t have the big plantations. “It’s not fair!” he protested, as he slammed his fist against the fence almost knocking me off balance. “The wealthy plantation owners don’t do any work while we are over here working as hard as we can just to get food on the table.” I completely agreed with him as I started to explain how social class would tie into political status. In our colony, the wealthier a person becomes, the more involved they become in politics, because they have money and social status, so people respect them right off the bat. The problem we both agreed on was the fact that patriots wanted independence. Since a lot of them had a say in the government, if the British were to lose, then the small farmers wouldn’t be as represented in government as the patriots.
------ As a result, the British winning is what the American colonists need right now for guidance and support, because the British way of government has worked for hundreds of years and there is no reason why we need to change now. All my family and I wish is that “our Majesty may enjoy a long and prosperous reign, and that [his] descendants may govern [his] dominions with honor to themselves and happiness to their subjects, is our sincere and fervent prayer” (The Avalon Project, The Olive Petition). Our country was founded on the British and their principles and we should not abandon them now just because the patriots want to be selfish.
------ In final analysis, the problems in socialism were overall created by the prospering economy of South Carolina at the time. If the backcountry of South Carolina were to have a larger source of economy then there wouldn’t be the existing problem of the loyalists resenting the patriots. There wouldn’t be that big distinction between loyalists and patriots in the state of South Carolina. It would probably be either loyalists as the majority or patriots as the majority in the state, instead of the state being split in half between the two groups of people.
Posted by Araina at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Rough Draft 5
I was walking back to my house the other day after a long day of work tending to my farm, when I came across my neighbor, John Williams heading back from town. Although he is a small farmer like myself, he is still very interested in politics and the war going on. He began to talk about the east side of South Carolina and places such as the “coastal region north of Santee River [and how it has been] increase[ing] in population and prosperity”( Bull 572). From past experiences, when John would begin to talk about politics there was not stopping him. He is so passionate about this topic, he could go on forever talking about it. His wife is very patient, but sometimes she gets fed up with his long discussions of politics.
Knowing this, I decided to be a good friend and listen. So I set down my shovel and set up against the fence as he continued. He described how the Santee River wasn’t the only region of prosperity, but most of the eastern side of Carolina’s economy was thriving because of the wealthy patriots and their big plantations they owned with many slaves to do their work to help them prosper. “[I]n the backcountry of the southern colonies, and beyond the Appalachian Mountains in Indian Country” (Roark 232), it was a little different because people didn’t have the big plantations. “It’s not fair!” he protested, as he slammed his fist against the fence almost knocking me off balance. “The wealthy plantation owners don’t do any work while we are over here working as hard as we can just to get food on the table.” I completely agreed with him as I started to explain how social class would tie into political status. In our colony, the wealthier a person becomes, the more involved they become in politics, because they have money and social status, so people respect them right off the bat. The problem we both agreed on was the fact that patriots wanted independence and since a lot of them had a say in the government, if the British were too loose, then they small farmers wouldn’t be as represented in government as their own personal views such as democracy.
As a result, the British winning is what the American colonists need right now for guidance and support, because the British way of government has worked for hundreds of years and there is no reason why we need to change now. All my family and I wish is that “our Majesty may enjoy a long and prosperous reign, and that [his] descendants may govern [his] dominions with honor to themselves and happiness to their subjects, is our sincere and fervent prayer”(http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/contcong_07-08-75.asp). Our country was founded on the British and their principles and we should not abandon them now just because the patriots want to be selfish.
In final analysis,
Posted by Araina at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Rough Draft # 4
It is 1775, and the peak of the American Revolution. I am a small farmer living in the backcountry of South Carolina and I am attending a rally with other fellow loyalists speak out about the revolution, and why they choose to be loyalists. The backcountry of South Carolina is the western half of South Carolina, but I will refer to it as the backcountry. The backcountry is made up of mostly loyalists, and the rest of South Carolina, which is the eastern side, is made up of majority patriots. Sometimes, the factor of where a certain individual lives will play crucial in whether they would want to take the loyalist side or the patriots’ side. In South Carolina, socialism and economy were the two factors that would cause backcountry farmers like myself to side with Britain and become loyalists.
I was walking back to my house the other day after a long day of work tending to my farm, when I came across my neighbor, John Williams heading back from town. Although he is a small farmer like myself, he is still very interested in politics and the war going on. He began to talk about the east side of South Carolina and places such as the “coastal region north of Santee River [and how it has been] increase[ing] in population and prosperity”( Bull 572). From past experiences, when John would begin to talk about politics there was not stopping him. He is so passionate about this topic, he could go on forever talking about it. His wife is very patient, but sometimes she gets fed up with his long discussions of politics.
Knowing this, I decided to be a good friend and listen. So I set down my shovel and set up against the fence as he continued. He described how the Santee River wasn’t the only region of prosperity, but most of the eastern side of Carolina’s economy was thriving because of the wealthy patriots and their big plantations they owned with many slaves to do their work to help them prosper. “It’s not fair!” he protested, as he slammed his fist against the fence almost knocking me off balance. “The wealthy plantation owners don’t do any work while we are over here working as hard as we can just to get food on the table.” I completely agreed with him as I started to explain how social class would tie into political status. In our colony, the wealthier a person becomes, the more involved they become in politics, because they have money and social status, so people respect them right off the bat. The problem we both agreed on was the fact that patriots wanted independence and since a lot of them had a say in the government, if the British were too loose, then they small farmers wouldn’t be as represented in government as their own personal views such as democracy.
As a result, the British winning is what the American colonists need right now for guidance and support, because the British way of government has worked for hundreds of years and there is no reason why we need to change now. All my family and I wish is that “our Majesty may enjoy a long and prosperous reign, and that [his] descendants may govern [his] dominions with honor to themselves and happiness to their subjects, is our sincere and fervent prayer”(http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/contcong_07-08-75.asp). Our country was founded on the British and their principles and we should not abandon them now just because the patriots want to be selfish.
In final analysis,
Posted by Araina at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Essay 2 Roughdraft 3
“The charge of our intending to enslave you should come oftenest from the mouths of those lawyers who in southern provinces, at least, have made you slaves themselves”. It is 1775, and the peak of the American Revolution. I am a small farmer living in the back country of South Carolina and I am intended a rally where another fellow loyalists spoke these words. During the American Revolution, the colonies were divided between loyalists, patriots and the ones that were undecided. Sometimes, the factor of where a certain individual lived would play a big part in whether they would want to take the loyalists side or the patriot’s side. The flourishing economy of the eastern side of South Carolina has caused loyalists like myself of the back country to resent and go against the selfish ideas of those patriots whom have all the political power.
Becoming an independent country would be awful for my family and I and all the loyalists that surrounding me. In the state of South Carolina, most of where the economy is thriving is on the east side of Carolina where the “coastal region north of Santee River [has been] increase[ing] in population and prosperity”. Not only this region, but most of the east side of Carolina where the wealthy own big plantations with many slaves to help them prosper. In almost all cases, the wealthier some one is this society, the more political power they would have, because they automatically have more time on their hands when their slaves are doing all their work on their plantations. Most of the east side of South Carolina is patriots. There might be little pockets of loyalists but the majority is patriots, and many of the patriots have a say in the government. It is obvious that loyalist s and patriots have two different view points on society and the way the government should run, and if they were to win, then only their view points would be represented in the government.
On the contrary, the British winning is what the American colonists need right now for guidance and support, because the British way of government has worked for hundreds of years and there is no reason why we need to change now. All my family and I wish is that “our Majesty may enjoy a long and prosperous reign, and that [his] descendants may govern [his] dominions with honor to themselves and happiness to their subjects, is our sincere and fervent prayer”. Our country was founded on the British and their principles and we should not abandon them now just because the patriots want to be selfish.
In conclusion, if the American colonies were to become independent, then all that we stood for when we came to North America representing Britain is forgotten about. Britain has supported us the short time we've been in these colonies, and there is no reason for us to leave now.
Title: A Note on James Stuart, Loyalist Clergyman in South Carolina
Author(s): Henry D. Bull
Source: The Journal of Southern History, Vol. 12, No. 4 (Nov., 1946), pp. 570-575
Publisher(s): Southern Historical Association
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2197692
Title: The Fate of Some Black Loyalists of the American Revolution
Author(s): Mary Beth Norton
Source: The Journal of Negro History, Vol. 58, No. 4 (Oct., 1973), pp. 402-426
Publisher(s): Association for the Study of African-American Life and History, Inc.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2716747
Title: A Note on James Stuart, Loyalist Clergyman in South Carolina
Author(s): Henry D. Bull
Source: The Journal of Southern History, Vol. 12, No. 4 (Nov., 1946), pp. 570-575
Publisher(s): Southern Historical Association
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2197692
Continental Congress, "Petition to the King." Journals of the Continental Congress (1775 ):
Posted by Araina at 1:21 PM 1 comments
Essay 2 Roughdraft 2
“The charge of our intending to enslave you should come oftenest from the mouths of those lawyers who in southern provinces, at least, have made you slaves themselves”. It is 1775, and the peak of the American Revolution. I am a small farmer living in the back country of South Carolina and I am intended a rally where another fellow loyalists spoke these words. During the American Revolution, the colonies were divided between loyalists, patriots and the ones that were undecided. Sometimes, the factor of where a certain individual lived would play a big part in whether they would want to take the loyalists side or the patriot’s side. The flourishing economy of the eastern side of South Carolina has caused loyalists like myself of the back country to resent and go against the selfish ideas of those patriots whom have all the political power.
Becoming an independent country would be awful for my family and I and all the loyalists that surrounding me. In the state of South Carolina, most of where the economy is thriving is on the east side of Carolina where the “coastal region north of Santee River [has been] increase[ing] in population and prosperity”. Not only this region, but most of the east side of Carolina where the wealthy own big plantations with many slaves to help them prosper. In almost all cases, the wealthier some one is this society, the more political power they would have, because they automatically have more time on their hands when their slaves are doing all their work on their plantations. Most of the east side of South Carolina is patriots. There might be little pockets of loyalists but the majority is patriots, and many of the patriots have a say in the government. It is obvious that loyalist s and patriots have two different view points on society and the way the government should run, and if they were to win, then only their view points would be represented in the government.
On the contrary, the British winning is what the American colonists need right now for guidance and support, because the British way of government has worked for hundreds of years and there is no reason why we need to change now. All my family and I wish is that “our Majesty may enjoy a long and prosperous reign, and that [his] descendants may govern [his] dominions with honor to themselves and happiness to their subjects, is our sincere and fervent prayer”. Our country was founded on the British and their principles and we should not abandon them now just because the patriots want to be selfish.
In conclusion, if the American colonies were to become independent, then all that we stood for when we came to North America representing Britain is forgotten about. Britain has supported us the short time we've been in these colonies, and there is no reason for us to leave now.
Title: A Note on James Stuart, Loyalist Clergyman in South Carolina
Author(s): Henry D. Bull
Source: The Journal of Southern History, Vol. 12, No. 4 (Nov., 1946), pp. 570-575
Publisher(s): Southern Historical Association
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2197692
Title: The Fate of Some Black Loyalists of the American Revolution
Author(s): Mary Beth Norton
Source: The Journal of Negro History, Vol. 58, No. 4 (Oct., 1973), pp. 402-426
Publisher(s): Association for the Study of African-American Life and History, Inc.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2716747
Title: A Note on James Stuart, Loyalist Clergyman in South Carolina
Author(s): Henry D. Bull
Source: The Journal of Southern History, Vol. 12, No. 4 (Nov., 1946), pp. 570-575
Publisher(s): Southern Historical Association
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2197692
Continental Congress, "Petition to the King." Journals of the Continental Congress (1775 ):
Posted by Araina at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Rough Draft # 1
“The charge of our intending to enslave you should come oftenest from the mouths of those lawyers who in southern provinces, at least, have made you slaves themselves”. It is 1775, and the peak of the American Revolution. I am a small farmer living in the backcountry of South Carolina and I am intended a rally where another fellow loyalists spoke these words. During the American Revolution, the colonies were divided between loyalists, patriots and the ones that were undecided. Sometimes, the factor of where a certain individual lived would play a big part in whether they would want to take the loyalists side or the patriot’s side. The flourishing economy of the eastern side of South Carolina has caused loyalists like myself of the backcountry to resent and go against the selfish ideas of those patriots whom have all the political power.
Becoming an independent country would be awful for my family and I and all the loyalists that surrounding me. In the state of South Carolina, most of where the economy is thriving is on the east side of Carolina where the “coastal region north of Santee River [has been] increase[ing] in population and prosperity”. Not only this region, but most of the east side of Carolina where the wealthy own big plantations with many slaves to help them prosper. In almost all cases, the wealthier some one is this society, the more political power they would have, because they automatically have more time on their hands when their slaves are doing all their work on their plantations. Most of the east side of South Carolina is patriots. There might be little pockets of loyalists but the majority is patriots, and many of the patriots have a say in the government. It is obvious that loyalist s and patriots have two different view points on society and the way the government should run, and if they were to win, then only their view points would be represented in the government.
On the contrary, the British winning is what the American colonists need right now for guidance and support, because the British way of government has worked for hundreds of years and there is no reason why we need to change now. All my family and I wish is that “our Majesty may enjoy a long and prosperous reign, and that [his] descendants may govern [his] dominions with honor to themselves and happiness to their subjects, is our sincere and fervent prayer”. Our country was founded on the British and their principles and we should not abandon them now just because some people want to be selfish.
Posted by Araina at 6:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Outline #2 (revised)
I. Hook/Intro/ Topic- I am a loyalists living in South Carolina during the American Revolution.
II. Background Info- During the American Revolution, the colonies were divided between loyalists, patriots and the ones that were undecided. Sometimes, the factor of where a certain individual lived would play a big part in whether they would want to take the loyalists side or the patriot’s side.
III. Thesis- The flourishing economy of the eastern side of South Carolina has caused loyalists like myself of the backcountry to resent and go against the selfish ideas of those patriots whom have all the political power.
IV. Body
----A. All the political power will lie in the hands of the patriots if we were to become an independent country.
-------1. “Supporting Quote”
---------a. Analysis of the quote
---------b. What does it mean to the backcountry South Carolinians if the wealthy coast planters had all the power?
-------2. “Supporting Quote”
---------a. Analysis of the quote
----B. The British Government can put restrictions on the democratic views and ideas of the patriots.
-------1. “Supporting Quote”
---------a. Analysis
V. Brief Summary/ New Insight
Posted by Araina at 12:57 PM 0 comments
1 . Loyalists in the south wanted to stay that way because they wanted to keep the trade relationship with Britain.
---- A.”[W]as temporary only, and suited to the situation of their public affairs at that period, looking forward to an accommodation with Great Britain, an event then desired; and whereas the United Colonies of America have been since constituted independent States, and the political connection heretofore subsisting between them and Great Britain entirely dissolved by the declaration of the honorable the Continental Congress[.]”http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/sc02.asp
----i. The first source is background will help me with background information on what is going on in South Carolina.
----ii. It is a constitution that describes South Carolina in the 1770’s which is the time period we’re studying
---- B. “The Fate of Some Black Loyalists of South Carolina” http://www.jstor.org/stable/2716747
---- i. This source gives another view point from a different group of people during this time period.
----C. “A Note on James Stuart, Loyalist Clergyman in South Carolina” http://www.jstor.org/stable/2197692
---- i. This source gives a view point of the general loyalists of the revolution
---- ii. It’s a good source because it’s a journal from a loyalists of that time period.
Posted by Araina at 11:24 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
PSEC and the Continental Congress
---The Continental Congress was the first of its kind. The meetings that they had were illegal to the British because they had representatives from each colony would come together to represent the view of the colonists, when parliament was really supposed to represent the views of the people. The Continental Congress was obviously not asked my the British government to form this group of representatives, they just automatically did it on their own.
---The Continental Congress relates to PSEC because they would set up meetings and talk about their colonies. We do similarly when we have community meetings, and the school comes together as one and we talk about our school as a whole and discuss different issues. I think PSEC's government can be more effective if we elected one or two representatives from each class, which we are in the process of, so thats good, but as individuals, we need to become more involved if it means joining clubs or organizations, or going to mentor groups, because it makes you become more connected with the school. I think PSEC's meetings are compared to the Continental Congress, and the representatives of the main campus would be compared to Parliament. Not in all cases, but I believe that we might become a challenge to the representatives up at highline because if we happen to come up with an idea to change our school, or a rule about our school, we might have to run it by them, because we as a community have as just as much as power as them to change different aspects of the highline community, such as rules or organizations.
Posted by Araina at 6:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Text Analysis Olive Branch Petition
1.) The writer of this document was the first continental congress.
2.) The audience is people in Great Britain. The congress also wrote to the King.
3.) The Continental Congress was the first of its kind, and they represented the view of some of the colonists of America. They weren’t necessarily for independence. They were also representing the loyalists to Great Britain.
4.) The Continental Congress is stating they’re point of view on whether America should be independent or stay apart of the British Empire. Their position pretty much stated that they were loyal to the king, and that not all the colonists in America were for independence. Their position is expressed in the quote that says, “[W]e not only most ardently desire the former harmony between her and these colonies may be restored, but that a concord may be established between them upon so firm a basis as a perpetuate its blessings[.]” This quote was a really good example how the Continental Congress thought of the situation and how they still wanted to be connected with Great Britain.
5.) This document has a lot of compassion in it. I could see that the Congress compassionate, by the connotative words they used throughout the document such as “cruel” when describing the colonists who weren’t loyal, “confidence and “authority”, when describing the king. These words trigger emotions that helped me as a reader really understand how the loyal colonists felt toward Great Britain.
6.) The document is legit because it was written by the Continental Congress, which was a group of representatives put together to express the view of the loyal colonists. It also states the names of the leaders from each colony, which shows the actual people whose opinions and thoughts were represented in the document.
Posted by Araina at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Synthesis They Say I Say
----The Stamp act was probably the main event that had a lot to do with the revolution. Many people were split on the idea. Many argued that the British didn't have any say in the house of Commons, if they weren't actually physically present. The reason why the stamp act had more revolt than the sugar act was because the sugar act had more purpose to regulate trade, while on the other hand, the stamp act was just a way to raise money out of debt. One thing I learned from the quote is that the revolution was not just the war itself, but it was the revaluation that the people had in their minds together before any of the fighting started. Many of the people recognized that what was happening was not right and it needed to be stopped and that was when the revolution started.
---I believe that despite some of the general beliefs that Britain could still tax the colonists, because they are apart of the nation still stood in some of the minds of the people, the overall revolution and revolt of a big portion of the colonist was had the right idea. The colonists and the British may be one nation technically, but they were still two different groups of people. The British were more responsible for the debt they were going through and when the colonists started to realize that, thats when they truly started to become more and more like Americans, because they were already physically separated from the British, but they were also mentally separating them selfs. In the reading, it describes what the colonists thought of the British being in the House of Commons and helping making a decision without being physically there wasn't fair. I completely agree with this statement, because the British were thousands of miles away from the colonists, and they had no idea what was happening in the colonies to make a just decision on what to vote for. All they were concerned with was getting money out of the colonists.
Posted by Araina at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Essay 1 Reflection
When we first started researching Bacon's Rebellion, I had no idea it was for a research paper. At first I thought all the research we did was unnecessary because after the wiki entry, reading in the history book, and the many articles about the rebellion was kind of too much just for one event in history. After the examples of how our thesis was going to be put together, everything kind of clicked and I understood why we were doing so much research, because our analysis wouldn't have been as deep and thought out with out knowing all the background information that we did first.I really liked the templates from the They Say, I Say book. They really helped me to develop my paper and make it my own and being organized at the same time. All the rough drafts and revisions we did was a lot of help to develop my paper. All the researching we did before about the event also was an excellent contribution.
Posted by Araina at 7:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Reflection on Bacon's Rebellion
When the assignment was first given to us, it was a little overwhelming cause I knew we were writing on the event, but I thought it was more retelling the story type thing where we were supposed to be detailed dates and a deep discussion on the story. This way everyone's essay would be very similar. When Craig presented how the thesis would be set up, I began to understand more of how we were picking an aspect of the Rebellion and making up our own thesis that we would answer in our essay. I really liked the templates from the They Say, I Say book. They really helped me to develop my paper and make it my own and being organized at the same time. All the rough drafts and revisions we did was a lot of help to develop my paper. All the researching we did before about the event also was an excellent contribution.
Posted by Araina at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Bacon's Rebellion Final Draft
As the November election is approaching, more and more people have been looking at qualities they want in a leader. When I define a leader, I see someone who is confident, and is always interested the good the people. In 1676, Bacon’s Rebellion took place in Virginia. One of the main causes for the uprising was Indians raiding and stealing from frontier farmers. A man named Nathaniel Bacon,” a member of the Virginia Governor’s Council, out of sympathy with policies of Governor William Berkeley,”1 thought the government wasn’t doing enough to protect the colonists against the Indians. When it came to leading a group of people, William Berkeley was more politically just than Nathaniel Bacon.
When Nathaniel Bacon began the rebellion he was willing put getting revenge against the Indians before the safety of the other colonists and other innocent people. He thought all Indians were enemies and that they did not deserve to coexist with the other colonist. He felt the government wasn't doing enough to protect the frontier farmers against the Indians and "went often times to the Governor, humbly beseeching a commission to go against those Indians at their own [expense]"(15). Despite the fact Governor Berkeley denied Bacon every time, Bacon still found a way around this set back by threatening the life's of other burgesses, putting Berkeley under pressure, and granting Bacons' commission to go against the Indians.
Nevertheless, Bacon does later get in trouble for his actions. Soon after he manipulated Berkeley and got out of his punishment. Bacon’s plan was to "march out upon the Enemy with which volunteers [he] could then get, but by so doing found that [he] not only lost the Governor's favor, but exposed [his] very life and fortune at home as well as abroad...but considering the necessity, [he] still proceeded, and returned with a greater victory from sharper conflict then ever yet has been known these parts of the world"(11). In this quote, connotative words such as enemy, exposed, sharper, and conflict give this section of writing a serious tone, which helps display Bacon’s mood and shows he was serious about going against the Indians. In the document Bacon demonstrates his hatred toward the Indians and why he doesn't want to trade with them. In the quote he states "trading with the Indians has proven fatal to these parts of the world, yet I fear we shall be all lost for this commerce having acquainted the Indians...with our manner of living and discipline of war, has also brought with such dexterity, that ourselves often hire them to kill Deer..."(11). Basically Bacons is saying that trading with the Indians hasn't been working and he doesn't want the colonists to rely on Indians for trade. Although I agree that trading with Indians in some cases has proven fatal, but I cannot accept his overall conclusion that all Indians are bad. This is comparable to taking a few criminals from the English society and then making the overall conclusion that their whole race bad and corrupt. I believe Bacon used bad judgment with the Indian race. I believe he should have taken a step back to assess both sides of the conflict, instead of just deeming all of the Indians bad and not caring whether he starts a civil war and killing innocent people in the process; just to get a point across.
As a result of start of his rebellion, Bacon had supporters of his viewpoint and the rebellion that came of it. Robert Beverly, a historian writes how he thought Bacon was “qualified” in a sense to lead the rebellion when he wrote, “[Nathaniel Bacon had received a good education in England] and had a moderate Fortune,. He as young, bold, active, of inviting Aspect, and powerful Elocution”(11). Beverly uses connotative words such as young, bold and active to reflect Bacon’s positive character. These words help bring across a happy tone which would give the reader a better understanding of Berkeley’s view that Bacon is ligament to take upon a position to lead a group of people into a rebellion.
On the contrary, Governor William Berkley had a different perspective on what he thought was the right thing to do when leading his group of people. Unlike Bacon, he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart and what he thought would be best for the colonist safety. A document written buy Berkeley himself called “Declaration and Remonstrance”, he demonstrates what he has done for the country when he says, “[T]hen in the consideration of service I had done the country, in defending them from, and destroying great numbers of Indians, with out the loss of three men in all the time that war lasted, and in [consideration] of the equal and uncorrupt Justice I had distributed to all men” (16) [.] In this quote, Although Berkeley does not directly say it, but it is implied that his point is that he does care about the safety of the colony. When I first thought of this quote, I automatically agreed with him, especially when he was talking about wanting “uncorrupt justice”. I believe he was referring to Bacon, because Bacon wanted justice for what some of the Indians did to the frontier farmers.[I believe] he went about the situation the wrong way because he didn’t really care who may have gotten hurt in the process, which makes his system corrupt. Berkeley’s plan to deal with the Indians in my opinion was more thought out and processed than Bacon’s plan. In his document, Berkeley says, “Lastly...I would have preserved those Indians that I knew were hourly at our mercy, to have our spies and intelligence to find out our bloody enemies, but as soon as I had the least [bit of information] that they were also treacherous enemies, I gave out commissions to destroy them all…”(17). In this quote, I agree with Berkeley’s logic to go out and get rid of the Indians who may be a threat to the other colonists. Bacon’s plan was to just go and kill all the Indians, because he saw them all as enemies. I think Berkeley is being smart by wanting to keep somewhat of a relationship with the Indians, because both sides benefit from trade.
In addition, Berkeley also had supporters against Bacon; despite of the people that turned against him during the rebellion, he still had some loyalists. One of his loyalists was William Sherwood, a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. Sherwood was describing an event with the Indians and also giving Berkeley credit for the way he reacted toward the situation, when he says, “…a nation of Indians called [Susquehanna’s] having killed some of the inhabitants of this Country [in the fall of 1675] were pursued and several destroyed by the English and Sir Wm. Berkeley our honorable Governor (who hath had long experience of war with the Indians) that he might provide for the safety of this country caused our assembly..”(12). In this quote, Sherwood is giving Berkeley credit for being a good Governor by giving an example of how he dealt with the Indians who threatened the safety of his people. He also mentioned his years of experience; somewhat implying that Bacon didn’t have enough. I agree with this quote that supports Berkeley because it is another example of how he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart. Although he wanted to keep peace and trade with the Indians, he still knew how to protect his people.
In the final analysis, Bacon and Berkeley were had their own perspective on how they thought was the just way to lead a group of people. Overall Berkeley’s leading skills were more legitimate and affective. When all aspects of the event were looked at carefully, some may make the assumption that Bacon did the right thing for stepping out against the government for not meeting the needs of the people, while others may say that his actions didn’t justify his cause. When I judge a leader, I don’t look at what may seem like the right thing to do at that moment, but I look at how they look at the overall picture and what will most benefit the greater good of the people, and that is why Berkeley earned that title.
1. • Dwight L. Smith
• Reviewed work(s): The Governor and the Rebel: A History of Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia by Wilcomb E. Washburn
• Ethnohistory, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Spring, 1958), pp. 176-180 (review consists of 5 pages)
• Published by: Duke University Press
Posted by Araina at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Rough Draft revised
----When it comes to everyday life, most would agree that people automatically judge other people. When it comes to judging a leader, what aspects do you look for in a person that would win your overall approval to show that what they are doing is best for the good of the people? “In 1676, Bacon’s Rebellion erupted in Virginia”. One of the main causes for the uprising was Indians raiding and stealing from frontier farmers. A man named Nathaniel Bacon thought the government wasn’t doing enough to protect the colonists against the Indians. When it came to leading a group of people, William Berkeley was more politically just than Nathaniel Bacon.
----When Nathaniel Bacon began the rebellion he was willing to do anything to do what he thought was right. He thought all Indians were enemies and that they did not deserve to coexist with the other colonist. He felt the government wasn't doing enough to protect the frontier farmers against the Indians and "went often times to the Governor, humbly beseeching a commission to go against those Indians at their own [expense]"(15). Despite the fact Governor Berkeley denied Bacon every time, Bacon still found a way around this set back by threatening the life's of other burgesses, putting Berkeley under pressure, and granting Bacons' commission to go against the Indians.
----Nevertheless, Bacon does later get in trouble for his actions. Soon after he manipulated Berkeley and got out of his punishment. Bacon’s plan was to "march out upon the Enemy with which volunteers [he] could then get, but by so doing found that [he] not only lost the Governor's favor, but exposed [his] very life and fortune at home as well as abroad...but considering the necessity, [he] still proceeded, and returned with a greater victory from sharper conflict then ever yet has been known these parts of the world"(11). In this quote, connotative words such as enemy, exposed, sharper, and conflict give this section of writing a serious tone, which helps display Bacon’s mood and shows he was serious about going against the Indians. In the document he wrote, Bacon describes his hatred toward the Indians and why he doesn't want to trade with them. In the quote he states "trading with the Indians has proven fatal to these parts of the world, yet I fear we shall be all lost for this commerce having acquainted the Indians...with our manner of living and discipline of war, has also brought with such dexterity, that ourselves often hire them to kill Deer..."(11). Basically Bacons is saying that trading with the Indians hasn't been working and he doesn't want the colonists to rely on Indians for trade. Although I agree that trading with Indians in some cases has proven fatal, but I cannot accept his overall conclusion that all Indians are bad. This is comparable to taking a few criminals from the English society and then making the overall conclusion that their whole race bad and corrupt. I believe Bacon used bad judgment with the Indian race. I believe he should have taken a step back to assess both sides of the conflict, instead of just deeming all of the Indians bad and not caring whether he starts a civil war and killing innocent people in the process; just to get a point across.
----On the contrary, Governor William Berkley had a different perspective on what he thought was the right thing to do when leading his group of people. Unlike Bacon, he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart and what he thought would be best for the colonist safety. A document written buy Berkeley himself called “Declaration and Remonstrance”, he describes what he has done for the country when he says, “[T]hen in the consideration of service I had done the country, in defending them from, and destroying great numbers of Indians, with out the loss of three men in all the time that war lasted, and in [consideration] of the equal and uncorrupt Justice I had distributed to all men” (16) [.] In this quote, Berkeley‘s point is that he does care about the safety of the colony. When I first thought of this quote, I automatically agreed with him, especially when he was talking about wanting “uncorrupt justice”. I believe he was referring to Bacon, because Bacon wanted justice for what some of the Indians did to the frontier farmers.[I believe] he went about the situation the wrong way because he didn’t really care who may have gotten hurt in the process, which makes his system corrupt. Berkeley’s plan to deal with the Indians in my opinion was more thought out and processed than Bacon’s plan. In his document, Berkeley says, “Lastly...I would have preserved those Indians that I knew were hourly at our mercy, to have our spies and intelligence to find out our bloody enemies, but as soon as I had the least [bit of information] that they were also treacherous enemies, I gave out commissions to destroy them all…”(17). In this quote, I agree with Berkeley’s logic to go out and get rid of the Indians who may be a threat to the other colonists. Bacon’s plan was to just go and kill all the Indians, because he saw them all as enemies. I think Berkeley is being smart by wanting to keep somewhat of a relationship with the Indians, because both sides benefit from trade.
----As a result of start of his rebellion, Bacon had supporters of his viewpoint and the rebellion that came of it. Robert Beverly, a historian writes how he thought Bacon was “qualified” in a sense to lead the rebellion when he wrote, “[Nathaniel Bacon had received a good education in England] and had a moderate Fortune,. He as young, bold, active, of inviting Aspect, and powerful Elocution”(11). Beverly uses connotative words such as young, bold and active to reflect Bacon’s positive character. These words help bring across a happy tone which would give the reader a better understanding of Berkeley’s view that Bacon is ligament to take upon a position to lead a group of people into a rebellion.
In addition, Berkeley also had supporters against Bacon; despite of the people that turned against him during the rebellion, he still had some loyalists. One of his loyalists was William Sherwood, a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. Sherwood was describing an event with the Indians and also giving Berkeley credit for the way he reacted toward the situation, when he says, “…a nation of Indians called [Susquehanna’s] having killed some of the inhabitants of this Country [in the fall of 1675] were pursued and several destroyed by the English and Sir Wm. Berkeley our honorable Governor (who hath had long experience of war with the Indians) that he might provide for the safety of this country caused our assembly..”(12). In this quote, Sherwood is giving Berkeley credit for being a good Governor by giving an example of how he dealt with the Indians who threatened the safety of his people. He also mentioned his years of experience; somewhat implying that Bacon didn’t have enough. I agree with this quote that supports Berkeley because it is another example of how he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart. Although he wanted to keep peace and trade with the Indians, he still knew how to protect his people.
----In the final analysis, Bacon and Berkeley were had their own perspective on how they thought was the just way to lead a group of people. Overall Berkeley’s leading skills were more legitimate and affective. When all aspects of the event were looked at carefully, some may make the assumption that Bacon did the right thing for stepping out against the government for not meeting the needs of the people, while others may say that his actions didn’t justify his cause. When I judge a leader, I don’t look at what may seem like the right thing to do at that moment, but I look at how they look at the overall picture and what will most benefit the greater good of the people, and that is why Berkeley earned that title.
Posted by Araina at 9:22 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Body of Roughdraft
When Nathaniel Bacon began the rebellion he was willing to do anything to do what he thought was right. He thought all Indians were enemies and that they did not deserve to coexist with the other colonist. He felt the government wasn't doing enough to protect the frontier farmers against the Indians and "went often times to the Governor, humbly beseeching a commission to go against those Indians at their own [expense]"(15). Despite the fact Governor Berkeley denied Bacon every time, Bacon still found a way around this set back by threatening the life's of other burgesses, putting Berkeley under pressure, and granting Bacons' commission to go against the Indians.
Nevertheless, Bacon does later get in trouble for his actions, but he manipulates Berkeley and got out it. Bacons' plan was to "march out upon the Enemy with which volunteers [he] could then get, but by so doing found that [he] not only lost the Governor's favor, but expose [his] very life and fortune at home as well as abroad...but considering the necessity, [he] still proceed, and return with a greater victory from sharper conflict then ever yet has been known these parts of the world"(11). In this quote, connotative words such as enemy, exposed, sharper, and conflict give this section of writing a serious tone, which displays Bacons' mood while saying this and proves he is serious about going against the Indians. In the document he wrote, Bacon describes his hatred toward the Indians and why he doesn't want to trade with them. In the quote he states "trading with the Indians has proven fatal to these parts of the world, yet I fear we shall be all lost for this commerce having acquainted the Indians...with our manner of living and discipline of war, has also brought with such dexterity, that ourselves often hire them to kill Deer..."(11). Basically Bacons is saying that trading with the Indians hasn't been working and it probably won't ever and he doesn't want the colonists to rely on Indians for trade. Although I agree with trading with Indians in some cases has proven fatal, but I cannot accept his overall conclusion that all Indians are bad. That is like talking a few criminals form the English society and then claiming their whole race bad and corrupt. I believe Bacon is using bad judgment with the Indians race and didn't take a step back to assess both sides of the conflict. Instead he just deems all of the Indians bad and doesn't' care if he stats a civil war and kills innocent people just to get his point across.
On the contrary, Governor William Berkley had a different perspective on what he thought was the right thing to do when leading his group of people. Unlike Bacon, he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart and what he thought would be best for the colonist safety. A document written buy Berkeley himself called “Declaration and Remonstrance”, he describes what he has done for the country when he says, “[T]hen in the consideration of service I had done the country, in defending them from, and destroying great numbers of Indians, with out the loss of three men in all the time that war lasted, and in [consideration] of the equal and uncorrupt Justice I had distributed to all men” (16) [.] In this quote, Berkeley‘s point is that he does care about the safety of the colony. This is why he describes only a minimum amount of people who have died from the wars against Indians who have shown a potential threat against the colonist. When I first thought of this quote, I automatically agreed with him, especially when he was talking about wanting “uncorrupt justice”. I believe he was referring to Bacon, because Bacon wants justice for what some of the Indians have been doing to the frontier farmers, but he’s going about it the wrong way because he doesn’t really care who may get hurt in the process, which makes it corrupt. Berkeley’s plan was to deal with the Indians in my opinion was more thought out and processed better then Bacon’s. In his document, Berkeley says, “Lastly...I would have preserved those Indians that I knew were hourly at our mercy, to have our spies and intelligence to find out our bloody enemies, but as soon as I had the least [bit of information] that they were also treacherous enemies, I gave out commissions to destroy them all…”(17). In this quote, I agree with Berkeley’s logic to go out and get rid of the Indians who may be a threat to the other colonists. Bacon’s plan was to just go and kill all the Indians, because he saw them all as enemies. I think Berkeley is being smart by wanting to keep somewhat of a relationship with the Indians, because both sides benefit from trade.
[insert transition] Bacon had supporters of his viewpoint and the rebellion that came of it. Robert Beverly, a historian writes how he thought Bacon was “qualified” in a sense to lead the rebellion when he wrote, “[Nathaniel Bacon had received a good education in England] and had a moderate Fortune,. He as young, bold , active, of inviting Aspect, and powerful Elocution”(11). Beverly uses connotative words such as young, bold and active to reflect Bacon’s positive character. These words help bring across a happy tone which would give the reader a better understanding of Berkeley’s view that Bacon is ligament to take upon a position to lead a group of people into a rebellion.
In addition, Berkeley also had supporters against Bacon; despite of the people that turned against him during the rebellion, he still had some loyalists. One of his loyalists was William Sherwood, a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. Sherwood was describing an event with the Indians and also giving Berkeley credit for the way he reacted toward the situation, when he says, “…a nation of Indians called [Susquehanna’s] having killed some of the inhabitants of this Country [in the fall of 1675] were pursued and several destroyed by the English and Sir Wm. Berkeley our honorable Governor (who hath had long experience of war with the Indians) that he might provide for the safety of this country caused our assembly..”(12). In this quote, Sherwood is giving Berkeley credit for being a good Governor by giving an example of how he dealt with the Indians who threatened the safety of his people. He also mentioned his years of experience; somewhat implying that Bacon didn’t have enough. I agree with this quote that supports Berkeley because it is another example of how he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart. Although he wanted to keep peace and trade with the Indians, he still knew how to protect his people.
Posted by Araina at 12:23 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Draft #1 Part of essay
When Nathaniel Bacon began the rebellion he was willing to do anything to do what he thought was right. He thought all Indians were enemies and they did not deserve to coexist with eh other colonist. He felt the government wasn't doing enough to protect the frontier farmers against the Indians and "went often times to the Governour, humbly beseeching a commission to go against those Indians at their own [expense]"(15). Despite the fact Governor Berkeley denied Bacon every time, Bacon still found a way around this set back by threatening the life's of other burgesses, putting Berkeley under pressure, and granting Bacons' commission to go against the Indians. Bacon does later get in trouble for his actions, but he manipulates Berkeley and got out it. Bacons' plan was to "march out upon the Enemy with which volunteers [he]could then get, but by so doing found that [he]not only lost the Governor's favor, but expose [his] very life and fortune at home as well as abroad...but considering the necessity, [he] still will proceed, and return with a greater victory from sharper conflict then ever yet has been known these parts of the world"(11). In this quote, connotative words such as enemy, exposed, sharper, and conflict give this section of writing a serious tone, which displays Bacons' mood while saying this and proves he is serious about going against the Indians. In the document the wrote, Bacon describes his hatred toward the Indians and why he doesn't want to trade with them. In the quote he states "trading with the Indians has proven fatal to these parts of the world, yet I fear we shall be all lost for this commerce having acquainted the Indians...with our manner of living and discipline of war, has also brought with such dexterity, that ourselves often hire them to kill Deer..."(11). Basically Bacons is saying that trading with the hasn't been working an it probably won't ever and he doesn't want the colonists to rely on Indians for trade. Although I agree with trading with Indians in some cases has proven fatal, but i cannot accept his overall conclusion that all Indians are bad. That is like talking a few criminals form the English society and then claiming their whole race bad and corrupt. I believe Bacon is using bad judgment with the Indians race and didn't take a step back to assess both sides of the conflict. Instead he just deems all of the Indians bad and doesn't' care if he stats a civil war and kills innocent people just to get his point across.
Posted by Araina at 9:04 PM 0 comments