Thursday, October 16, 2008

Body of Roughdraft

When Nathaniel Bacon began the rebellion he was willing to do anything to do what he thought was right. He thought all Indians were enemies and that they did not deserve to coexist with the other colonist. He felt the government wasn't doing enough to protect the frontier farmers against the Indians and "went often times to the Governor, humbly beseeching a commission to go against those Indians at their own [expense]"(15). Despite the fact Governor Berkeley denied Bacon every time, Bacon still found a way around this set back by threatening the life's of other burgesses, putting Berkeley under pressure, and granting Bacons' commission to go against the Indians.
Nevertheless, Bacon does later get in trouble for his actions, but he manipulates Berkeley and got out it. Bacons' plan was to "march out upon the Enemy with which volunteers [he] could then get, but by so doing found that [he] not only lost the Governor's favor, but expose [his] very life and fortune at home as well as abroad...but considering the necessity, [he] still proceed, and return with a greater victory from sharper conflict then ever yet has been known these parts of the world"(11). In this quote, connotative words such as enemy, exposed, sharper, and conflict give this section of writing a serious tone, which displays Bacons' mood while saying this and proves he is serious about going against the Indians. In the document he wrote, Bacon describes his hatred toward the Indians and why he doesn't want to trade with them. In the quote he states "trading with the Indians has proven fatal to these parts of the world, yet I fear we shall be all lost for this commerce having acquainted the Indians...with our manner of living and discipline of war, has also brought with such dexterity, that ourselves often hire them to kill Deer..."(11). Basically Bacons is saying that trading with the Indians hasn't been working and it probably won't ever and he doesn't want the colonists to rely on Indians for trade. Although I agree with trading with Indians in some cases has proven fatal, but I cannot accept his overall conclusion that all Indians are bad. That is like talking a few criminals form the English society and then claiming their whole race bad and corrupt. I believe Bacon is using bad judgment with the Indians race and didn't take a step back to assess both sides of the conflict. Instead he just deems all of the Indians bad and doesn't' care if he stats a civil war and kills innocent people just to get his point across.
On the contrary, Governor William Berkley had a different perspective on what he thought was the right thing to do when leading his group of people. Unlike Bacon, he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart and what he thought would be best for the colonist safety. A document written buy Berkeley himself called “Declaration and Remonstrance”, he describes what he has done for the country when he says, “[T]hen in the consideration of service I had done the country, in defending them from, and destroying great numbers of Indians, with out the loss of three men in all the time that war lasted, and in [consideration] of the equal and uncorrupt Justice I had distributed to all men” (16) [.] In this quote, Berkeley‘s point is that he does care about the safety of the colony. This is why he describes only a minimum amount of people who have died from the wars against Indians who have shown a potential threat against the colonist. When I first thought of this quote, I automatically agreed with him, especially when he was talking about wanting “uncorrupt justice”. I believe he was referring to Bacon, because Bacon wants justice for what some of the Indians have been doing to the frontier farmers, but he’s going about it the wrong way because he doesn’t really care who may get hurt in the process, which makes it corrupt. Berkeley’s plan was to deal with the Indians in my opinion was more thought out and processed better then Bacon’s. In his document, Berkeley says, “Lastly...I would have preserved those Indians that I knew were hourly at our mercy, to have our spies and intelligence to find out our bloody enemies, but as soon as I had the least [bit of information] that they were also treacherous enemies, I gave out commissions to destroy them all…”(17). In this quote, I agree with Berkeley’s logic to go out and get rid of the Indians who may be a threat to the other colonists. Bacon’s plan was to just go and kill all the Indians, because he saw them all as enemies. I think Berkeley is being smart by wanting to keep somewhat of a relationship with the Indians, because both sides benefit from trade.
[insert transition] Bacon had supporters of his viewpoint and the rebellion that came of it. Robert Beverly, a historian writes how he thought Bacon was “qualified” in a sense to lead the rebellion when he wrote, “[Nathaniel Bacon had received a good education in England] and had a moderate Fortune,. He as young, bold , active, of inviting Aspect, and powerful Elocution”(11). Beverly uses connotative words such as young, bold and active to reflect Bacon’s positive character. These words help bring across a happy tone which would give the reader a better understanding of Berkeley’s view that Bacon is ligament to take upon a position to lead a group of people into a rebellion.
In addition, Berkeley also had supporters against Bacon; despite of the people that turned against him during the rebellion, he still had some loyalists. One of his loyalists was William Sherwood, a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. Sherwood was describing an event with the Indians and also giving Berkeley credit for the way he reacted toward the situation, when he says, “…a nation of Indians called [Susquehanna’s] having killed some of the inhabitants of this Country [in the fall of 1675] were pursued and several destroyed by the English and Sir Wm. Berkeley our honorable Governor (who hath had long experience of war with the Indians) that he might provide for the safety of this country caused our assembly..”(12). In this quote, Sherwood is giving Berkeley credit for being a good Governor by giving an example of how he dealt with the Indians who threatened the safety of his people. He also mentioned his years of experience; somewhat implying that Bacon didn’t have enough. I agree with this quote that supports Berkeley because it is another example of how he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart. Although he wanted to keep peace and trade with the Indians, he still knew how to protect his people.


Miguel Orallo said...

it was easy to tell that you used templates from the They Say/ I Say Book. (good thing)

i think you should read trough and fix some of the words, because while reading it i noticed that there were quit a few misspelled words.

the quote used in the third paragraph...
“[Nathaniel Bacon had received a good education....
was never ended or had a (") after the quote was over.

HannahSinger2014 said...

- Needs more transitions between ideas
- Some sentences don't make any sense
- Some quotes, I felt, were a little long. Ex.= the one that starts "march out upon the enemy..." in paragraph #1. Very good explanation of that particular quote, though. I like how you not only explained it, but you also described the tone it gave to what Bacon was doing.
- Watch the form of the word and pay attention to spelling

Katherine said...

Araina, your rough draft is coming along good. you should put spaces between paragraphs it was hard to read. it seemed like it was a huge chunk. your word choice is nice and makes your paper "pop". there are a few spots you need to work on but other than that you are on track

Tre Kelly said...

.You did a fine job of explaining and giving detail toward your quotes
.I did notice a couple misspelled words
.Some of the sentences were a little confusing. I kind of understood what they meant but they could have been said a little clearer
.Great job of including templates (Thay Say, I Say)

Other than that this draft was a great start toward your final. Good Job Araina!!!

AustinGibbs said...

i like you intro, nice attention grabber, maybe put a quote to support your ideas that he would do anything or go a little deeper abpout it and the same about the indians, like how they were inferrior or somthing like that

your information is put together nicely but consider revising some sentances to make it ewasyer to reaad

Bacon does later get in trouble for his actions,
(this sentance does not flow with our sentance.. lol)

Deer..."(11). Basically Bacons is saying that (and you dont need "is" if you have "bacon's")