Thursday, October 30, 2008

Synthesis They Say I Say

----The Stamp act was probably the main event that had a lot to do with the revolution. Many people were split on the idea. Many argued that the British didn't have any say in the house of Commons, if they weren't actually physically present. The reason why the stamp act had more revolt than the sugar act was because the sugar act had more purpose to regulate trade, while on the other hand, the stamp act was just a way to raise money out of debt. One thing I learned from the quote is that the revolution was not just the war itself, but it was the revaluation that the people had in their minds together before any of the fighting started. Many of the people recognized that what was happening was not right and it needed to be stopped and that was when the revolution started.

---I believe that despite some of the general beliefs that Britain could still tax the colonists, because they are apart of the nation still stood in some of the minds of the people, the overall revolution and revolt of a big portion of the colonist was had the right idea. The colonists and the British may be one nation technically, but they were still two different groups of people. The British were more responsible for the debt they were going through and when the colonists started to realize that, thats when they truly started to become more and more like Americans, because they were already physically separated from the British, but they were also mentally separating them selfs. In the reading, it describes what the colonists thought of the British being in the House of Commons and helping making a decision without being physically there wasn't fair. I completely agree with this statement, because the British were thousands of miles away from the colonists, and they had no idea what was happening in the colonies to make a just decision on what to vote for. All they were concerned with was getting money out of the colonists.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Essay 1 Reflection

When we first started researching Bacon's Rebellion, I had no idea it was for a research paper. At first I thought all the research we did was unnecessary because after the wiki entry, reading in the history book, and the many articles about the rebellion was kind of too much just for one event in history. After the examples of how our thesis was going to be put together, everything kind of clicked and I understood why we were doing so much research, because our analysis wouldn't have been as deep and thought out with out knowing all the background information that we did first.I really liked the templates from the They Say, I Say book. They really helped me to develop my paper and make it my own and being organized at the same time. All the rough drafts and revisions we did was a lot of help to develop my paper. All the researching we did before about the event also was an excellent contribution.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Reflection on Bacon's Rebellion

When the assignment was first given to us, it was a little overwhelming cause I knew we were writing on the event, but I thought it was more retelling the story type thing where we were supposed to be detailed dates and a deep discussion on the story. This way everyone's essay would be very similar. When Craig presented how the thesis would be set up, I began to understand more of how we were picking an aspect of the Rebellion and making up our own thesis that we would answer in our essay. I really liked the templates from the They Say, I Say book. They really helped me to develop my paper and make it my own and being organized at the same time. All the rough drafts and revisions we did was a lot of help to develop my paper. All the researching we did before about the event also was an excellent contribution.

Bacon's Rebellion Final Draft

As the November election is approaching, more and more people have been looking at qualities they want in a leader. When I define a leader, I see someone who is confident, and is always interested the good the people. In 1676, Bacon’s Rebellion took place in Virginia. One of the main causes for the uprising was Indians raiding and stealing from frontier farmers. A man named Nathaniel Bacon,” a member of the Virginia Governor’s Council, out of sympathy with policies of Governor William Berkeley,”1 thought the government wasn’t doing enough to protect the colonists against the Indians. When it came to leading a group of people, William Berkeley was more politically just than Nathaniel Bacon.

When Nathaniel Bacon began the rebellion he was willing put getting revenge against the Indians before the safety of the other colonists and other innocent people. He thought all Indians were enemies and that they did not deserve to coexist with the other colonist. He felt the government wasn't doing enough to protect the frontier farmers against the Indians and "went often times to the Governor, humbly beseeching a commission to go against those Indians at their own [expense]"(15). Despite the fact Governor Berkeley denied Bacon every time, Bacon still found a way around this set back by threatening the life's of other burgesses, putting Berkeley under pressure, and granting Bacons' commission to go against the Indians.

Nevertheless, Bacon does later get in trouble for his actions. Soon after he manipulated Berkeley and got out of his punishment. Bacon’s plan was to "march out upon the Enemy with which volunteers [he] could then get, but by so doing found that [he] not only lost the Governor's favor, but exposed [his] very life and fortune at home as well as abroad...but considering the necessity, [he] still proceeded, and returned with a greater victory from sharper conflict then ever yet has been known these parts of the world"(11). In this quote, connotative words such as enemy, exposed, sharper, and conflict give this section of writing a serious tone, which helps display Bacon’s mood and shows he was serious about going against the Indians. In the document Bacon demonstrates his hatred toward the Indians and why he doesn't want to trade with them. In the quote he states "trading with the Indians has proven fatal to these parts of the world, yet I fear we shall be all lost for this commerce having acquainted the Indians...with our manner of living and discipline of war, has also brought with such dexterity, that ourselves often hire them to kill Deer..."(11). Basically Bacons is saying that trading with the Indians hasn't been working and he doesn't want the colonists to rely on Indians for trade. Although I agree that trading with Indians in some cases has proven fatal, but I cannot accept his overall conclusion that all Indians are bad. This is comparable to taking a few criminals from the English society and then making the overall conclusion that their whole race bad and corrupt. I believe Bacon used bad judgment with the Indian race. I believe he should have taken a step back to assess both sides of the conflict, instead of just deeming all of the Indians bad and not caring whether he starts a civil war and killing innocent people in the process; just to get a point across.

As a result of start of his rebellion, Bacon had supporters of his viewpoint and the rebellion that came of it. Robert Beverly, a historian writes how he thought Bacon was “qualified” in a sense to lead the rebellion when he wrote, “[Nathaniel Bacon had received a good education in England] and had a moderate Fortune,. He as young, bold, active, of inviting Aspect, and powerful Elocution”(11). Beverly uses connotative words such as young, bold and active to reflect Bacon’s positive character. These words help bring across a happy tone which would give the reader a better understanding of Berkeley’s view that Bacon is ligament to take upon a position to lead a group of people into a rebellion.

On the contrary, Governor William Berkley had a different perspective on what he thought was the right thing to do when leading his group of people. Unlike Bacon, he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart and what he thought would be best for the colonist safety. A document written buy Berkeley himself called “Declaration and Remonstrance”, he demonstrates what he has done for the country when he says, “[T]hen in the consideration of service I had done the country, in defending them from, and destroying great numbers of Indians, with out the loss of three men in all the time that war lasted, and in [consideration] of the equal and uncorrupt Justice I had distributed to all men” (16) [.] In this quote, Although Berkeley does not directly say it, but it is implied that his point is that he does care about the safety of the colony. When I first thought of this quote, I automatically agreed with him, especially when he was talking about wanting “uncorrupt justice”. I believe he was referring to Bacon, because Bacon wanted justice for what some of the Indians did to the frontier farmers.[I believe] he went about the situation the wrong way because he didn’t really care who may have gotten hurt in the process, which makes his system corrupt. Berkeley’s plan to deal with the Indians in my opinion was more thought out and processed than Bacon’s plan. In his document, Berkeley says, “Lastly...I would have preserved those Indians that I knew were hourly at our mercy, to have our spies and intelligence to find out our bloody enemies, but as soon as I had the least [bit of information] that they were also treacherous enemies, I gave out commissions to destroy them all…”(17). In this quote, I agree with Berkeley’s logic to go out and get rid of the Indians who may be a threat to the other colonists. Bacon’s plan was to just go and kill all the Indians, because he saw them all as enemies. I think Berkeley is being smart by wanting to keep somewhat of a relationship with the Indians, because both sides benefit from trade.

In addition, Berkeley also had supporters against Bacon; despite of the people that turned against him during the rebellion, he still had some loyalists. One of his loyalists was William Sherwood, a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. Sherwood was describing an event with the Indians and also giving Berkeley credit for the way he reacted toward the situation, when he says, “…a nation of Indians called [Susquehanna’s] having killed some of the inhabitants of this Country [in the fall of 1675] were pursued and several destroyed by the English and Sir Wm. Berkeley our honorable Governor (who hath had long experience of war with the Indians) that he might provide for the safety of this country caused our assembly..”(12). In this quote, Sherwood is giving Berkeley credit for being a good Governor by giving an example of how he dealt with the Indians who threatened the safety of his people. He also mentioned his years of experience; somewhat implying that Bacon didn’t have enough. I agree with this quote that supports Berkeley because it is another example of how he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart. Although he wanted to keep peace and trade with the Indians, he still knew how to protect his people.
In the final analysis, Bacon and Berkeley were had their own perspective on how they thought was the just way to lead a group of people. Overall Berkeley’s leading skills were more legitimate and affective. When all aspects of the event were looked at carefully, some may make the assumption that Bacon did the right thing for stepping out against the government for not meeting the needs of the people, while others may say that his actions didn’t justify his cause. When I judge a leader, I don’t look at what may seem like the right thing to do at that moment, but I look at how they look at the overall picture and what will most benefit the greater good of the people, and that is why Berkeley earned that title.

1. • Dwight L. Smith
• Reviewed work(s): The Governor and the Rebel: A History of Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia by Wilcomb E. Washburn
• Ethnohistory, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Spring, 1958), pp. 176-180 (review consists of 5 pages)
• Published by: Duke University Press

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rough Draft revised

----When it comes to everyday life, most would agree that people automatically judge other people. When it comes to judging a leader, what aspects do you look for in a person that would win your overall approval to show that what they are doing is best for the good of the people? “In 1676, Bacon’s Rebellion erupted in Virginia”. One of the main causes for the uprising was Indians raiding and stealing from frontier farmers. A man named Nathaniel Bacon thought the government wasn’t doing enough to protect the colonists against the Indians. When it came to leading a group of people, William Berkeley was more politically just than Nathaniel Bacon.

----When Nathaniel Bacon began the rebellion he was willing to do anything to do what he thought was right. He thought all Indians were enemies and that they did not deserve to coexist with the other colonist. He felt the government wasn't doing enough to protect the frontier farmers against the Indians and "went often times to the Governor, humbly beseeching a commission to go against those Indians at their own [expense]"(15). Despite the fact Governor Berkeley denied Bacon every time, Bacon still found a way around this set back by threatening the life's of other burgesses, putting Berkeley under pressure, and granting Bacons' commission to go against the Indians.

----Nevertheless, Bacon does later get in trouble for his actions. Soon after he manipulated Berkeley and got out of his punishment. Bacon’s plan was to "march out upon the Enemy with which volunteers [he] could then get, but by so doing found that [he] not only lost the Governor's favor, but exposed [his] very life and fortune at home as well as abroad...but considering the necessity, [he] still proceeded, and returned with a greater victory from sharper conflict then ever yet has been known these parts of the world"(11). In this quote, connotative words such as enemy, exposed, sharper, and conflict give this section of writing a serious tone, which helps display Bacon’s mood and shows he was serious about going against the Indians. In the document he wrote, Bacon describes his hatred toward the Indians and why he doesn't want to trade with them. In the quote he states "trading with the Indians has proven fatal to these parts of the world, yet I fear we shall be all lost for this commerce having acquainted the Indians...with our manner of living and discipline of war, has also brought with such dexterity, that ourselves often hire them to kill Deer..."(11). Basically Bacons is saying that trading with the Indians hasn't been working and he doesn't want the colonists to rely on Indians for trade. Although I agree that trading with Indians in some cases has proven fatal, but I cannot accept his overall conclusion that all Indians are bad. This is comparable to taking a few criminals from the English society and then making the overall conclusion that their whole race bad and corrupt. I believe Bacon used bad judgment with the Indian race. I believe he should have taken a step back to assess both sides of the conflict, instead of just deeming all of the Indians bad and not caring whether he starts a civil war and killing innocent people in the process; just to get a point across.

----On the contrary, Governor William Berkley had a different perspective on what he thought was the right thing to do when leading his group of people. Unlike Bacon, he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart and what he thought would be best for the colonist safety. A document written buy Berkeley himself called “Declaration and Remonstrance”, he describes what he has done for the country when he says, “[T]hen in the consideration of service I had done the country, in defending them from, and destroying great numbers of Indians, with out the loss of three men in all the time that war lasted, and in [consideration] of the equal and uncorrupt Justice I had distributed to all men” (16) [.] In this quote, Berkeley‘s point is that he does care about the safety of the colony. When I first thought of this quote, I automatically agreed with him, especially when he was talking about wanting “uncorrupt justice”. I believe he was referring to Bacon, because Bacon wanted justice for what some of the Indians did to the frontier farmers.[I believe] he went about the situation the wrong way because he didn’t really care who may have gotten hurt in the process, which makes his system corrupt. Berkeley’s plan to deal with the Indians in my opinion was more thought out and processed than Bacon’s plan. In his document, Berkeley says, “Lastly...I would have preserved those Indians that I knew were hourly at our mercy, to have our spies and intelligence to find out our bloody enemies, but as soon as I had the least [bit of information] that they were also treacherous enemies, I gave out commissions to destroy them all…”(17). In this quote, I agree with Berkeley’s logic to go out and get rid of the Indians who may be a threat to the other colonists. Bacon’s plan was to just go and kill all the Indians, because he saw them all as enemies. I think Berkeley is being smart by wanting to keep somewhat of a relationship with the Indians, because both sides benefit from trade.

----As a result of start of his rebellion, Bacon had supporters of his viewpoint and the rebellion that came of it. Robert Beverly, a historian writes how he thought Bacon was “qualified” in a sense to lead the rebellion when he wrote, “[Nathaniel Bacon had received a good education in England] and had a moderate Fortune,. He as young, bold, active, of inviting Aspect, and powerful Elocution”(11). Beverly uses connotative words such as young, bold and active to reflect Bacon’s positive character. These words help bring across a happy tone which would give the reader a better understanding of Berkeley’s view that Bacon is ligament to take upon a position to lead a group of people into a rebellion.

In addition, Berkeley also had supporters against Bacon; despite of the people that turned against him during the rebellion, he still had some loyalists. One of his loyalists was William Sherwood, a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. Sherwood was describing an event with the Indians and also giving Berkeley credit for the way he reacted toward the situation, when he says, “…a nation of Indians called [Susquehanna’s] having killed some of the inhabitants of this Country [in the fall of 1675] were pursued and several destroyed by the English and Sir Wm. Berkeley our honorable Governor (who hath had long experience of war with the Indians) that he might provide for the safety of this country caused our assembly..”(12). In this quote, Sherwood is giving Berkeley credit for being a good Governor by giving an example of how he dealt with the Indians who threatened the safety of his people. He also mentioned his years of experience; somewhat implying that Bacon didn’t have enough. I agree with this quote that supports Berkeley because it is another example of how he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart. Although he wanted to keep peace and trade with the Indians, he still knew how to protect his people.

----In the final analysis, Bacon and Berkeley were had their own perspective on how they thought was the just way to lead a group of people. Overall Berkeley’s leading skills were more legitimate and affective. When all aspects of the event were looked at carefully, some may make the assumption that Bacon did the right thing for stepping out against the government for not meeting the needs of the people, while others may say that his actions didn’t justify his cause. When I judge a leader, I don’t look at what may seem like the right thing to do at that moment, but I look at how they look at the overall picture and what will most benefit the greater good of the people, and that is why Berkeley earned that title.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Body of Roughdraft

When Nathaniel Bacon began the rebellion he was willing to do anything to do what he thought was right. He thought all Indians were enemies and that they did not deserve to coexist with the other colonist. He felt the government wasn't doing enough to protect the frontier farmers against the Indians and "went often times to the Governor, humbly beseeching a commission to go against those Indians at their own [expense]"(15). Despite the fact Governor Berkeley denied Bacon every time, Bacon still found a way around this set back by threatening the life's of other burgesses, putting Berkeley under pressure, and granting Bacons' commission to go against the Indians.
Nevertheless, Bacon does later get in trouble for his actions, but he manipulates Berkeley and got out it. Bacons' plan was to "march out upon the Enemy with which volunteers [he] could then get, but by so doing found that [he] not only lost the Governor's favor, but expose [his] very life and fortune at home as well as abroad...but considering the necessity, [he] still proceed, and return with a greater victory from sharper conflict then ever yet has been known these parts of the world"(11). In this quote, connotative words such as enemy, exposed, sharper, and conflict give this section of writing a serious tone, which displays Bacons' mood while saying this and proves he is serious about going against the Indians. In the document he wrote, Bacon describes his hatred toward the Indians and why he doesn't want to trade with them. In the quote he states "trading with the Indians has proven fatal to these parts of the world, yet I fear we shall be all lost for this commerce having acquainted the Indians...with our manner of living and discipline of war, has also brought with such dexterity, that ourselves often hire them to kill Deer..."(11). Basically Bacons is saying that trading with the Indians hasn't been working and it probably won't ever and he doesn't want the colonists to rely on Indians for trade. Although I agree with trading with Indians in some cases has proven fatal, but I cannot accept his overall conclusion that all Indians are bad. That is like talking a few criminals form the English society and then claiming their whole race bad and corrupt. I believe Bacon is using bad judgment with the Indians race and didn't take a step back to assess both sides of the conflict. Instead he just deems all of the Indians bad and doesn't' care if he stats a civil war and kills innocent people just to get his point across.
On the contrary, Governor William Berkley had a different perspective on what he thought was the right thing to do when leading his group of people. Unlike Bacon, he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart and what he thought would be best for the colonist safety. A document written buy Berkeley himself called “Declaration and Remonstrance”, he describes what he has done for the country when he says, “[T]hen in the consideration of service I had done the country, in defending them from, and destroying great numbers of Indians, with out the loss of three men in all the time that war lasted, and in [consideration] of the equal and uncorrupt Justice I had distributed to all men” (16) [.] In this quote, Berkeley‘s point is that he does care about the safety of the colony. This is why he describes only a minimum amount of people who have died from the wars against Indians who have shown a potential threat against the colonist. When I first thought of this quote, I automatically agreed with him, especially when he was talking about wanting “uncorrupt justice”. I believe he was referring to Bacon, because Bacon wants justice for what some of the Indians have been doing to the frontier farmers, but he’s going about it the wrong way because he doesn’t really care who may get hurt in the process, which makes it corrupt. Berkeley’s plan was to deal with the Indians in my opinion was more thought out and processed better then Bacon’s. In his document, Berkeley says, “Lastly...I would have preserved those Indians that I knew were hourly at our mercy, to have our spies and intelligence to find out our bloody enemies, but as soon as I had the least [bit of information] that they were also treacherous enemies, I gave out commissions to destroy them all…”(17). In this quote, I agree with Berkeley’s logic to go out and get rid of the Indians who may be a threat to the other colonists. Bacon’s plan was to just go and kill all the Indians, because he saw them all as enemies. I think Berkeley is being smart by wanting to keep somewhat of a relationship with the Indians, because both sides benefit from trade.
[insert transition] Bacon had supporters of his viewpoint and the rebellion that came of it. Robert Beverly, a historian writes how he thought Bacon was “qualified” in a sense to lead the rebellion when he wrote, “[Nathaniel Bacon had received a good education in England] and had a moderate Fortune,. He as young, bold , active, of inviting Aspect, and powerful Elocution”(11). Beverly uses connotative words such as young, bold and active to reflect Bacon’s positive character. These words help bring across a happy tone which would give the reader a better understanding of Berkeley’s view that Bacon is ligament to take upon a position to lead a group of people into a rebellion.
In addition, Berkeley also had supporters against Bacon; despite of the people that turned against him during the rebellion, he still had some loyalists. One of his loyalists was William Sherwood, a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. Sherwood was describing an event with the Indians and also giving Berkeley credit for the way he reacted toward the situation, when he says, “…a nation of Indians called [Susquehanna’s] having killed some of the inhabitants of this Country [in the fall of 1675] were pursued and several destroyed by the English and Sir Wm. Berkeley our honorable Governor (who hath had long experience of war with the Indians) that he might provide for the safety of this country caused our assembly..”(12). In this quote, Sherwood is giving Berkeley credit for being a good Governor by giving an example of how he dealt with the Indians who threatened the safety of his people. He also mentioned his years of experience; somewhat implying that Bacon didn’t have enough. I agree with this quote that supports Berkeley because it is another example of how he always had the peoples’ best interest at heart. Although he wanted to keep peace and trade with the Indians, he still knew how to protect his people.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Draft #1 Part of essay

When Nathaniel Bacon began the rebellion he was willing to do anything to do what he thought was right. He thought all Indians were enemies and they did not deserve to coexist with eh other colonist. He felt the government wasn't doing enough to protect the frontier farmers against the Indians and "went often times to the Governour, humbly beseeching a commission to go against those Indians at their own [expense]"(15). Despite the fact Governor Berkeley denied Bacon every time, Bacon still found a way around this set back by threatening the life's of other burgesses, putting Berkeley under pressure, and granting Bacons' commission to go against the Indians. Bacon does later get in trouble for his actions, but he manipulates Berkeley and got out it. Bacons' plan was to "march out upon the Enemy with which volunteers [he]could then get, but by so doing found that [he]not only lost the Governor's favor, but expose [his] very life and fortune at home as well as abroad...but considering the necessity, [he] still will proceed, and return with a greater victory from sharper conflict then ever yet has been known these parts of the world"(11). In this quote, connotative words such as enemy, exposed, sharper, and conflict give this section of writing a serious tone, which displays Bacons' mood while saying this and proves he is serious about going against the Indians. In the document the wrote, Bacon describes his hatred toward the Indians and why he doesn't want to trade with them. In the quote he states "trading with the Indians has proven fatal to these parts of the world, yet I fear we shall be all lost for this commerce having acquainted the Indians...with our manner of living and discipline of war, has also brought with such dexterity, that ourselves often hire them to kill Deer..."(11). Basically Bacons is saying that trading with the hasn't been working an it probably won't ever and he doesn't want the colonists to rely on Indians for trade. Although I agree with trading with Indians in some cases has proven fatal, but i cannot accept his overall conclusion that all Indians are bad. That is like talking a few criminals form the English society and then claiming their whole race bad and corrupt. I believe Bacon is using bad judgment with the Indians race and didn't take a step back to assess both sides of the conflict. Instead he just deems all of the Indians bad and doesn't' care if he stats a civil war and kills innocent people just to get his point across.

Response to the Equiano accounts

In this passage, the man is describing his experience on the ship. It is hard to imagine what he is describing because I have never gone through any thing that traumatic in my life. Its hard to get a grasp on it because some of these things described in the Equiano accounts were so inhumane, you can't imagine anyone surviving a trip as long that. When i looked at he images,I thought of the holocaust, because the conditions and the way the people were treated were so similar to what happened to the Jews, except for the fact that these two events were in two completely different time periods. It makes you wonder if time could possibly repeat itself in the future and something similar could happen, or if we should take these events and learn from them so if something like this does happen to occur we could do something about it instead of sit around and let it happen.

re re outline

ii. Background Information: Bacon’s Rebellion was a civil war against the colonist in Virginia and also a war against the Indians lead by a man named Nathaniel Bacon.
iii. Thesis: When it came to leading a group of people, William Berkeley was more politically just than Nathaniel Bacon.
iv. Body:
A.) I will describe the view point of Nathaniel Bacon during the rebellion. Nathaniel describes what he thinks is right and why the government put him in power when he write.
---1. “Now the Governor having placed me here in a place of trust, I thought it my duty to discharge my conscience in it, by introducing a looking after the welfare of the people here, they being poor, few, and in scattered habitations on the Frontiers and remote part of ht country, night these Indians..”(11)

------.a. Using quotes such as these in this paragraph from Bacon, I will break down the quote and also reiterate what he says [they say], analyze and write what my view point is based on my conclusion from the analysis [I say].

B.) I will describe the view point of William Berkeley during the rebellion which was what he thought was politically just at that point in time.

----1.When he says "[I am] defending them from, and destroying great numbers of Indians, without the loss of three men in all the time that war lasted , and in [consideration] of the equal and uncorrupt Justice I had distributed to all men")16).

------a.I will then conclude after analysis of how just or unjust he was when leading a group of people.

C.) I will describe viewpoints from witnesses during the rebellion for whom that supported Nathaniel Bacon and what they thought of him.

1. The supporters of Berkeley and their viewpoints of Bacon and Berkeley
2. The people who didn’t necessarily have a particular viewpoint, but there as witnesses such as the royal commissioners.

v. Discussion: Will state an overall perspective of all the viewpoints; kind of what I’ve gathered as a whole.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

re outline

Hook: Whenever you look at a piece of writing, the author will often have a biased opinion on what they are describing.
ii. Background Information: Bacon’s Rebellion was a civil war against the colonist in Virginia and also a war against the Indians lead by a man named Nathaniel Bacon.
iii. Thesis: When it came to leading a group of people, William Berkeley was more politically just than Nathaniel Bacon.
iv. Body:
A.) I will describe the view point of Nathaniel Bacon during the rebellion. Nathaniel describes what he thinks is right and why the government put him in power when he write “Now the Governor having placed me here in a place of trust, I thought it my duty to discharge my conscience in it, by introducing a looking after the welfare of the people here, they being poor, few, and in scattered habitations on the Frontiers and remote part of ht country, night these Indians..”(11). Using quotes such as these in this paragraph from Bacon, I will break down the quote and also reiterate what he says [they say], analyze and write what my view point is based on my conclusion from the analysis [I say].
B.) I will describe the view point of William Berkeley during the rebellion which was what he thought was politically just at that point in time when he says "[I am] defending them from, and destroying great numbers of Indians, without the loss of three men in all the time that war lasted , and in [consideration] of the equal and uncorrupt Justice I had distributed to all men")16).I will then conclude after analysis of how just or unjust he was when leading a group of people.

C.) I will describe viewpoints from witnesses during the rebellion for whom that supported Nathaniel Bacon and what they thought of him.
1. The supporters of Berkeley and their viewpoints of Bacon and Berkeley
2. The people who didn’t necessarily have a particular viewpoint, but there as witnesses such as the royal commissioners.

v. Discussion: Will state an overall perspective of all the viewpoints; kind of what I’ve gathered as a whole.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hypothesis/Thesis Outline

Hook: Whenever you look at a piece of writing, the author will often have a biased opinion on what they are describing.
ii. Background Information: Bacon’s Rebellion was a civil war against the colonist in Virginia and also a war against the Indians lead by a man named Nathaniel Bacon.
iii. Thesis: When it came to leading a group of people, William Berkeley was more politically just than Nathaniel Bacon.
iv. Body:
A.) I will describe the view point of Nathaniel Bacon during the rebellion. I will also cite from primary documents that Nathaniel Bacon wrote himself. From these view points I’ll make conclusions of what I think is just about his decisions leading his group of people and what was wrong.

B.) I will describe the view point of William Berkeley during the rebellion and cite from primary documents that he wrote himself. I will then conclude after analysis of how just or unjust he was when leading a group of people.

C.) I will describe viewpoints from witnesses during the rebellion for whom that supported Nathaniel Bacon and what they thought of him.
1. The supporters of Berkeley and their viewpoints of Bacon and Berkeley
2. The people who didn’t necessarily have a particular viewpoint, but there as witnesses such as the royal commissioners.

v. Discussion: Will state an overall perspective of all the viewpoints; kind of what I’ve gathered as a whole.

Bacon's Rebellion Hyphothesis/ Thesis

Between Nathaniel Bacon and William Berkeley, who do you think was politically just when it came to leading a group of people.

When it came to leading a group of people, William Berkeley was more politically just than Nathaniel Bacon.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

J STOR "experience"

First I searched "Bacon's Rebellion" just to see what i would find. I found an article called "Bacon's Rebellion", he William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 1. It was a pretty good article, but there was no citations for this article so I didn't find it of too much use.
I changed my search to "Nathaniel Bacon" I found a article called "Prof. Nathaniel Beverley Tucker to St. George Tucker Prof. Nathaniel Beverley Tucker to St. George Tucker" by he William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 18, No. 1. This one also didn't have any citations for this specific article, but they had citations for different articles written by the same author.
Next time i will refine my search to a less broad topic so I can find better articles with citations.

Responses to Quotes

Quote # 1
The benefit of having a well coordinated social, spiritual and political is the fact that they are united and well proportioned, they work together to accomplish a substantial community.

The metaphor makes sense to Winthrop's audience because he talks about God, and all the people who are listening to him are believers and can automatically relate to him because that was how they were raised.

Commonwealth would bring all the seperate parts together into a union.

Quote # 2
They called it New England because they saw it as a new opportunity, for another chance at making England better but still carrying aspects of the old England along because they still wanted to be apart of England, but just a fresher start that they could do over the things that were wrong in old England.

Quote # 3
They saw it as an opportunity to get away from the English Church and share their belief with others at which they thought was right.

Quote # 4
Winthrop viewed MA Bay Co. as a colony to look up to as an example for all the other colonies to look to as a role model. Future colonies would become more like MA Bay Co. because they were supposed to be the prime example of how colonies were supposed to be like in the new world.

Bacon's Rebellion They Say 2

Nathaniel Bacons was a simple colonial farmer who began a rebellion in Virginia that had a significant influence on the change in politics and economy in Jamestown. The problem began with fighting between the native Americans and the colonist.In document 2 written by the royal commissioners, they describe " July , 1675, certain Doegs and Ssquanhanok Indians on the Mary-land side, stealing some Hoggs from the English at Potomakeon, on the Virginia shore (as the River divides the same), were pursued by the English in a Boate, beaten or kill'd and the hoggs retaken from them;"(6). This quote reflects several of many conflicts between the natives and English. The quote has creditability becasue is was written by the royal commissioners of that rebellion.

To solve the on going constant fighting between the settlers and the natives, Governor Barkley drew up a treaty that would separate the natives from the colonists and hopefully maintain peace. The treaty made it so there was an imaginary line drawn between the colonist land and the natives to prevent confrontation. When it comes to the topic of colonists vs. natives, most people only side that effects the natives, but Puglisi writes in his book, "The ensuing peace treaty between the colony and the natives virtually stripped the Powhatans and their independence, their lands, and their freedom, of movement. Necotowance, the surviving cheiftain, was forced to acknowledge the sovereignty of Crown and its right to confirm or appoint his successors"(97). Hardships of what the native Americans is reflected in this quote, and it gives a reader a view that usually isn't shown in general historic writing.

Nevertheless, peace between natives and colonists did not last long. In the American Promise, they explain how the treaty would have worked if the population hadn't of grown as it did. As indentured servants were freed and multiplied, the population grew and pushed the limits of the treaties. Frontier planters began to move into native territory, and the fighting between the colonists and the natives rose again.The Document, The History and Present State of Virgina, Beverley reflects how the frontier settlers were feeling when he says, "This Addition of Mischief [Indian attacks on white frontier settlements] to Minds already full of Discontent, made People ready to vent all their Resentment against the poor Indians. There was nothing to be got by Tobacco; neither could they turn any other Manufacture to Advantage; so that most of the poorer Sort were willing to quit their unprofitable Employments, and go Volunteers against the Indians"(9). This quote reflects the feelings of the frontier settlers because they pretty much had nothing to loose when they went up against the Indians, because they were already poor and not getting paid enough, so they figured "go volunteer against the Indians"(9,Beverly).

Some may wonder how a simple colonial farmer came to lead such a huge rebellion. Puglisi describes in his book,"Although recently arrived in the colony, Bacon was kin to one of Virginia's leading families, possessed considerable wealth, had connections with Berkeley, and received an appointment to the Governor's Council at the age of twnenty-nine"(77). In the quote Puglisi shows logic on how Bacon became to power. This creates credibility for the author because of the in depth knowledge of the events in people of the Rebellion.

Bacon and his followers thought that is wasn't necessary for the government to maintain peace with the natives because he believed the Natives were enemies. In the American Promise it tells how Governor Barkley branded Bacon as a traitor because he wasn't willing side with Barkley on the view to maintain peace with the natives.Barkley called for a reelection hoping that most of the burgesses would take his side but to his "surprise the elections backfired" as referred in the American Promise, and Bacon and some of his supporters were found in office. While Bacon was in office, the legislative past a series of laws called "Bacons laws", which included settlers having a voice in taxes, freemen voting, and limits were placed on how offices there could be. The Rebellion erupted into a war between the supporters of Barkley and Bacon's allies.

When Bacon unexpectedly died of an unknown disease, Barkley regained control of the rebels and had the rest of Bacon's allies killed. As a result the tensions between the large farmers and the small farmers lessoned. In conclusion, Bacon's Rebellion's influence on the history of Jamestown opened up doors that changed economy for hundreds of years.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

College 100 Assignment

College Fair Assignment
A public college: Santa Monica is a public college in California. They don’t look at PSAT scores and it’s only a two year college. It’s confidently located near. It has an excellent pre vet program with a 100% guarantee that students will transfer the number one ranked veterinarian college in the nation.

A private college: Holy Cross is a unique catholic college. They have open door chapel that is available to the students. One thing they do that you don’t usually find in colleges is that at midnight they serve breakfast to students during pre exam study periods.

A rural college: Bradley College is known for its sense of community. Even if you are involved in one activity you will get caught up in its sense of community. It also is known for its diversity and wide variety of student organizations.

A traditional college: University of Washington. Admission is so individualized that it is hard to tell whether a certain type of student will make it into the college, but this is cool because it shows they look at you as a person instead of a test score.

A small alternative college: Renton Technical College offers great programs for future jobs you can have almost instantly after completing their programs. The vet tech program is a good one because the instructor owns a clinic that students practice hands on work after office hours.


Major= Pre Veterinary

Santa Monica-
This college really stood out to me because it is only a two year college, yet it has a really good pre vet program. They guarantee a transfer to the top rated veterinarian college in the nation. This impressed me because once you are finish the pre vet program, you don’t have to worry as much about being excepted into a graduate school because its already guaranteed.

Rosemont College Biology
This college is excellent because they are more focused on career field I’m going into. They have internships; courses and training that I need to help me get into Veterinarian colleges in the United States, Canada and even over sees.

Washington State University
The pre vet program here is also a good one. This college is convenient because it is close to home and I’ll have good chance of transferring to a good veterinarian college.

If I were to choose Santa Monica over Washington State, it might affect my educational experience, because I know for a fact if I go to Santa Monica, I have a guarantee that I will transfer and be expected to a Veterinarian School. If I were to choose Washington State over Santa Monica, it might affect my educational experience because I of the wide variety of majors there might influence me to change my own major. If I choose Rosemont, I might experience programs or internships that aren’t necessary offered at Washington State of Santa Monica.

The workshop I attended talked about the financial part of college and the different pathways you can’t take to pay for college. They talked about grants, financial aid, and, and scholarships. They also talked about which loans were best for the type of situation you are in and way to pay back loans such as student employment.

The information at the college fair that was useful during the college fair was the fact that college representatives would take time and tell me how their pre vet programs differed then others, because many of them seemed the same to me, and when they took time to describe details about the program it interested me more in the school.

A question that was unanswered but soon found out later was how much tuition was at some of the schools I was interested in.

My next step is to find out more details on the colleges I was interested. I also would like to find out some of the math requirements, so I can plan what which classes I’m going to take in the future.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

They Say: Bacon's Rebellion

Nathaniel Bacons was a simple colonial farmer who began a rebellion in Virginia that had a significant influence on the change in politics and economy in Jamestown shortly after the event. The problem began with fighting between the native Americans and the colonist. To solve the on going constant fighting between the settlers and the natives, Governor Barkley drew up a treaty that would separate the natives from the colonists and hopefully maintain peace. The treaty made it so there was an imaginary line drawn between the colonist land and the natives to prevent confrontation. When it comes to the topic of colonists vs. natives, most people only side that effects the natives, but Puglisi writes in his book, "The ensuing peace treaty between the colony and the natives virtually stripped the Powhatans and their independence, their lands, and their freedom, of movement. Necotowance, the surviving cheiftain, was forced to acknowledge the sovereignty of Crown and its right to confirm or appoint his successors"(97). Hardships of what the native Americans is reflected in this quote, and it gives a reader a view that usually isn't shown in general historic writing.

Nevertheless, peace between natives and colonists did not last long. In the American Promise, they explain how the treaty would have worked if the population hadn't of grown as it did. As indentured servants were freed and multiplied, the population grew and pushed the limits of the treaties. Frontier planters began to move into native territory, and the fighting between the colonists and the natives rose again.

Some may wonder how a simple colonial farmer came to lead such a huge rebellion. Puglisi describes in his book,"Although recently arrived in the colony, Bacon was kin to one of Virginia's leading families, possessed considerable wealth, had connections with Berkeley, and received an appointment to the Governor's Council at the age of twnenty-nine"(77). In the quote Puglisi shows logic on how Bacon became to power. This creates credibility for the author because of the in depth knowledge of the events in people of the Rebellion.

Bacon and his followers thought that is wasn't necessary for the government to maintain peace with the natives because he believed the Natives were enemies. In the American Promise it tells how Governor Barkley branded Bacon as a traitor because he wasn't willing side with Barkley on the view to maintain peace with the natives.Barkley called for a reelection hoping that most of the burgesses would take his side but to his "surprise the elections backfired" as referred in the American Promise, and Bacon and some of his supporters were found in office. While Bacon was in office, the legislative past a series of laws called "Bacons laws", which included settlers having a voice in taxes, freemen voting, and limits were placed on how offices there could be. The Rebellion erupted into a war between the supporters of Barkley and Bacon's allies.

When Bacon unexpectedly died of an unknown disease, Barkley regained control of the rebels and had the rest of Bacon's allies killed. As a result the tensions between the large farmers and the small farmers lessoned. In conclusion, Bacon's Rebellion's influence on the history of Jamestown opened up doors that changed economy for hundreds of years.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Third Foucault Quote

The darkest reigon of the political feild could represent the most corupt part of the government or authorative figure. For exsample, the slave owners. Their perseption of the way they thought life was supposed to be like was corrupt and they lived like that for generations. The comdemed man could be any man under the first generation of slave owners because he is in a way forced to follow the way of past generations, just because thats what they learned life should be like. The phrase "inverted king" means to be the opposite of what a king should be like. A king should have every intention of doing whats just and good for his people. So the inverted king would be one who is selfish and has corrupt morals.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Political Economy of the Body

"Free Write"
I think the body is related to economy especially when slavery existed because slaves were the backbone of economy. A lot of their hard work and labor went into producing products that helped the economy. The body plays a part in politics because the more bodies the more who have an effect on what happens in a government. When their are no bodies to govern over, then there is no point in having political power.

I think the second quote interprets the first quote. When it talks about how the body is the only useful when productive and subjective. Being productive relates to the economy in the way of if we use our bodies efficiently, then it will help the economy. I believe that being subjective relates to economy in the sense of slavery because slaves were subjective to their owners which also helped the economy.

American Tobacco and European Consumers

American Tobacco and European Consumers discussed the different effects tobacco had on Europe during the 17th century. Though many Europeans enjoyed tobacco, some hated it such as King James I. He argued that the smoke was harmful to the brain and lungs, and the fact that smoking tobacco became away of life was sinful. Many people disagreed with King James and his efforts to get rid of tobacco didn’t work. On the other hand the Spaniards loved tobacco. They believed it was a good drug used for sick and healthy people to help replenish their strength lift peoples’ spirits. Tobacco helped Europe’s economy because it created new industries to make supplies for smoking, snuffing or chewing tobacco. Tobacco not only changed the economy, but the way of life for the Europeans. It changed society so that it became common to smoke tobacco everywhere such as taverns, clubs, and even in bed. In conclusion, the different effects from tobacco changed Europe’s economy, and society, and if people didn’t become as hooked on tobacco then trade on economy probably wouldn’t have flourished as it did in the 17th century.